the Quest/1960 Corvette


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
midwestern USA
bought the DVD at Bloomington for a $20 donation and watched it last night...WOW!! anyone interested in early Corvette LeMans racing history should spend the $20
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My first car was a '60 vette in '66, I was age 22....

nuff said on my part....lost it in a wreck, right in the middle of changing from a powerslide to a 3 speed, which was all I could afford...a Muncie was outta the question by several hundred tough bux....

My software alerted me to malware from that link.

I deleted the link.
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I get the same however I think malware can somehow get imbedded. I tried it three times now and my antivirus sweet blocked the malware all three times. Maybe others can check the link out?

Here is the link I got from my software.

This is what is stated on the page.

You just dodged a bullet

You may be wondering how you ended up with a virus, especially if you were visiting a ‘normal’ site. The latest research from the avast! Virus Lab shows that more than 80% of malware (viruses, spyware, and the like) spreads through legitimate websites, with only 1% coming from suspicious or ‘dodgy’ sites.

Good thing avast! had your back.

10th on the list.

Who knows it could be imbedded in Jay's picture. Where did they get all the pics from?
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