the reason why people who work in fast food joints work in fast food joints


Millionaire Playboy
Mar 27, 2008
In transition
mrs 'dust does not like ketchup. don't ask why, just some irrational fear/hatred she's had since childhood.
so i go to carl's jr. because they're running this 2 for $3 special on the "famous star". they're actually pretty good for what they are. i wouldn't pay regular price ($2.70/each) but with the special, it's a pretty good deal.
so anyway, i go in and ask for 2 famous stars but i want one without ketchup. the guy (manager no less) says, "they don't come with ketchup, it's 'special sauce'". so i say, "o.k., give me one of them without 'special sauce'". now i don't know what their "special sauce" is but it looks suspiciously like ketchup. so manager dude puts in the order to the cooks for one without mayo. WTF? it's a fast food joint and these are the people who work there so rather than trying to remediate english comprehension i just let it go. so the burger comes and sure enough, the one has no mayo but plenty of "special sauce".
fast food. :suicide:
Jack Nicholson, 1970:


And another classic:

we call it fast food never realy know what you are going to get so we just go with the flow......and laugh about it when we can
OUR kids...'do you want fries with that"?? can we upsize your cholestrol today??".....

At least you get the FAST part of "fast food". Most of the big names are over here - KFC, McShithouse, Burger King etc but when you walk in and place your order, there's always a 7 (or 9 or 13 or whatever) minute wait. They haven't quite grasped the concept of fast food :bonkers:
At least you get the FAST part of "fast food". Most of the big names are over here - KFC, McShithouse, Burger King etc but when you walk in and place your order, there's always a 7 (or 9 or 13 or whatever) minute wait. They haven't quite grasped the concept of fast food :bonkers:
I guess it takes time to brush off all the sand.....................:waxer:

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