Thinking about rear window mod

Wood and water don't go well, even in a house shituation.....exterior wood no matter how protected will rot all to hell.....add vibration from a car, and well.....

I wooden bother with it.....

Wood and water don't go well, even in a house shituation.....exterior wood no matter how protected will rot all to hell.....add vibration from a car, and well.....

I wooden bother with it.....

Gene, we're talking interior finish.
Still, I redid my kitchen last year, wooden countertop.
I used a product called Waterlox (resin + tung oil).
Due to incorrect design, the part behind the faucet is flooded with water splash 24/7.
With Waterlox, the wood is still clean as new, not a single stain.
The product is initially used for wood on boats.
This fine american product is hard to find here and don't come cheap, but really worth the hassle.
Wood and water don't go well, even in a house shituation.....exterior wood no matter how protected will rot all to hell.....add vibration from a car, and well.....

I wooden bother with it.....

Gene, we're talking interior finish.
Still, I redid my kitchen last year, wooden countertop.
I used a product called Waterlox (resin + tung oil).
Due to incorrect design, the part behind the faucet is flooded with water splash 24/7.
With Waterlox, the wood is still clean as new, not a single stain.
The product is initially used for wood on boats.
This fine american product is hard to find here and don't come cheap, but really worth the hassle.

Funny, decades ago, I tore out a butcher block maple counter top 1.5" thick about 6' long....with a sink in the middle.....from a Kosher kitchen the stains in the top were not acceptable...or maybe something I don't remember, full Kosher is not your typical kitchen remodel so I remember that part....anyway it's in my workshop as a bench now....can't imagine anything tougher....all covered in epoxy....

I do formica in my kitchens....about the best product around...but that's another topic entirely....