This is a big block with capital a B...anyone man enough to drop one in?

I was watching the History channel one night and there topic was that motor,that sucker is a monster :nuts: if it ever comes on again you should watch it.
How would you like to be the one that has to stick the old model T crank in the front and hand start it :twitch: don't forget to push the compression release button :lol::lol:
That's a Wartsila, they used to build those in NL also. Quite the sight when you see one being transported across the road.
That's a Wartsila, they used to build those in NL also. Quite the sight when you see one being transported across the road.

Do you know from where this Wartsila is originally coming from? :wink:

Icredible engines. Looks like there is Lego guys on a normal engine. It's just somehow bizzare how big that thing is...
The DWP here in LA has one stationary quite similar that was built in the 40's?They use it for peak power now.
I once had the opportunity to see a similar engine but in operation on a tanker here in Antwerp. It was 3 stories high and four men could fit in the cylinder( not at that moment, because it was working).