So we let them be exempt from the bull shit global warming treaty, etc. so that they can undersell us on everything, because they are a so called "emerging economy". :kissass:
I think we'll get even in the long run. In the past, many 3rd world countries asked for aid to clean up their mess after they screw us. By the time these guys need help, the libs will have run us into debt and we won't be able to help them.
Europe has already got the US airlines into a spin. They're going to regulate the carbon emisson footprint of airplanes. They already did us on noise compliance standards that are nearly impossible, and now they're going to "tax" airlines that don't meet emissions. Fly 500 miles over Europe in a jet that's not "EU Certified" and you pay XXXX EURO as a compliance fine. IT's not in place yet, but it IS on the board
As most of you all know, I"m hardly any enviro weenie, but sometimes there has to be a stop to stupidity....
not to worry over every snail darter, but jeebus man....