Spent some time playing with tinted clearcoat today. I have done this to my foglights a few weeks ago and now I tinted the spare set of C6 foglights and my spare set of C3 bubble taillights.

Wetsanded the plastic with 400 and 600 grit to get all the little nicks and scratches out, then sprayed two coats tinted clear followed by another two coats of clear to protect the whole thing...



This is by far better than the tinting foil that they sell on Fleebay.... or the blackout kits that are way too obvious and darken the lights way too much.

Wetsanded the plastic with 400 and 600 grit to get all the little nicks and scratches out, then sprayed two coats tinted clear followed by another two coats of clear to protect the whole thing...



This is by far better than the tinting foil that they sell on Fleebay.... or the blackout kits that are way too obvious and darken the lights way too much.

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