too much oil presure


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
When driving on the highway at speed the oil pressure pegs the needle and normal driving the pressure is very high. Is there an easy way to reduce the pressure?
I would try another mechanical gauge first.....

then maybe the relief valve/spring where the filter screws on the block, two? bolts and it comes off, possible hang up in there....
filter itself?? I can't see how, but.....:clobbered:
First check the pressure with another sending unit and or gauge .....

The pump puts out the same volume so the pressure can only increase with oil viscosity or there's an obstruction in the line ....
The sending unit is new also the gauge. 6 months ago I had little to no pressure so I changed out 2 new sending units but it was the gauge that needed to be changed. I have 20w 50w oil in it now.

I will check the pressure with a mechanical gauge next, thanks.
Why do you have 20W50? Does the engine run so hot that the oil thins out a lot? Get some 10w40 and check again with a MECHANICAL gauge
Why do you have 20W50? Does the engine run so hot that the oil thins out a lot? Get some 10w40 and check again with a MECHANICAL gauge

If I lived in a cold country that would work but over here it is hot all the time and in city stop and sometime go traffic. Oil thins out too much. In my Harley I could not use Synthetic oil as the lifters would collapse do the thinning out due to heat, I could only use straight 50 or 60 weight. I have used this weight oil for years in the Vette without a problems.
So the pressure is always high and increasing with rpm ? Sounds like the pressure relief/bypass is plugged up ... Pull the pan ....
Well I fixed the oil pressure problem. Dropped the pan and the oil pump and put a lighter spring in it painted the scraped up pan added 20w-40w and all is good now. :yahoo: