Top 10 stupid lawsuits


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
The top ten Most Ridiculous Lawsuits of 2011 are:

•Convict sues couple he kidnapped for not helping him evade police

•Man illegally brings gun into bar, gets injured in a fight, then sues bar for not searching him for a weapon

•Young adults sue mother for sending cards without gifts and playing favorites

•Woman disagrees with store over 80-cent refund, sues for $5 million

•Mom files suit against exclusive preschool over child's college prospects

•Man suing for age discrimination says judge in his case is too old

•Obese man sues burger joint over tight squeeze in booths

•Woman sues over movie trailer; says not enough driving in "Drive"

•Passenger's lawsuit says cruise ship went too fast and swayed from side to side

•Mother sues Chuck E. Cheese – says games encourage gambling in children
Which are a direct result of too many lawyers looking for work....

and it's finally starting to show, starting salaries for all that fance bullshit edjemakshun are now at a 50 year LO.....

and it gets personal on a new level too....

Are these lawsuits that were just filed? Or cases that actually went to trial? I know if I were a judge, I would probably toss at least nine of them out just reading the title. Wouldn't even hear them.
Are these lawsuits that were just filed? Or cases that actually went to trial? I know if I were a judge, I would probably toss at least nine of them out just reading the title. Wouldn't even hear them.

My best guess is just filed.
Are these lawsuits that were just filed? Or cases that actually went to trial? I know if I were a judge, I would probably toss at least nine of them out just reading the title. Wouldn't even hear them.

My best guess is just filed.

Probably right. I would guess that the majority of these would be summarily dismissed. Lawyers are hurting right now along with everyone else so you'll occasionally get a good one taking one of these stupid cases on a contingent basis and taking a real run at getting some money out of it.
I think it is not so much the lawyers but the laws and the system that fails. When judges and juries hand out big time settlements for stupid ass cases like these you can see just how attractive it becomes to the average low life to try and pull off a scam of his own.

My missus defends the ins. co's against cases like these. Most often with some good surveillance and a bit of investigating she is able to shut them down in court.

She says she has a reverse economy kind of job. When the economy is bad everyone tries to work an angle to get paid for not working, thus the increase in insurance claims.
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Perfect example of why we need TORT REFORM! Loser pays and 80% of this goes away and the world becomes just a little bit better.
Perfect example of why we need TORT REFORM! Loser pays and 80% of this goes away and the world becomes just a little bit better.

THAT will never happen long as lawyers are allowed to hold public office, they shouldn't......under conflict of interest laws....

they could resign from the Bar and never to return if they want to run for office, but this should be true for every position in .gov except prosecuting atty's.....and I include judges in this also....

maybe it would take about 2 months on the outside to get a judgement/relief, not over a year, maybe some BK judges wouldn't be so crooked....


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