Trans plans


Fast Pedalphile
Nov 3, 2008
Southern New Jersey, USA
I have plans to swap my trans.
Out with the Richmond Street 5 speed and in with the Tremec TKO II 5 speed with overdrive! Included in the swap are a Lakewood bell housing, Spec 3 + clutch and a Pro 5.0 shifter.

Is the Pro 5.0 shifter any different to the one that comes standard with the tremec kit? My shifter isnt any good when you want a quick shift from 3rd to 4th (drag race or circuit race), I was thinking of modifing it sometime! Its not precise enough and many of my friends with the tremec have the same problem because the box is adapted for the shifter to be off to one side. One friend has basically bought a standard TKO 600 without the C3 adapter and installed it next to and through the 4 speed plate (swapped it to where the shifter was) to make it come straight up from the box, and apparently it shifts like a dream!
I would think that if you keep the shifter geometry original to factory spec's like your friend did that the shifter would perform better than if modified.
Do you have any pic's of your friends' install?
No, I dont see him to often. His vette is also Right hand drive, so it looks ok with that mod, but being Left drive I think it would look odd!
I have plans to swap my trans.
Out with the Richmond Street 5 speed and in with the Tremec TKO II 5 speed with overdrive! Included in the swap are a Lakewood bell housing, Spec 3 + clutch and a Pro 5.0 shifter.


man those are some nice pics :beer:
I have plans to swap my trans.
Out with the Richmond Street 5 speed and in with the Tremec TKO II 5 speed with overdrive! Included in the swap are a Lakewood bell housing, Spec 3 + clutch and a Pro 5.0 shifter.


man those are some nice pics :beer:

Yuk yuk, I've kinda grown to like 'em too....:blush:

I was going to tell you about this site - glad you found it! :beer: