

Well-known member
Jul 13, 2008
Las Vegas Nevada
Been doing some sanding and grinding on a fiberglass hood today and figured while I was gonna be glassing I might as well have a go at that 1" crack on the drivers rear fender lip.

Had a 3/8" ball grinder in the air tool so I hit the bottom of the crack to vee it out. Immediately hit over an 1/8" thick Bondo and that's when the Doh! moment began.


I chased the crack about six inches up the fender and stop drilled it when I reached the end. My plan is to do a lot more sanding around either side of it and lay in glass as I've seen illustrated on this forum. I knew I had to do it but Gulp, it was more than I expected...:surrender:
That isn't that hard to fix with some glass. Did you drill those holes to stop a crack?
That isn't that hard to fix with some glass. Did you drill those holes to stop a crack?

Three bottom holes were from feeling around looking for the crack, just accidents but the top one was a deliberate drilling to stop the crack from progressing further. The crack was about 1/2" to the rear from where it surfaced. My plan is to 40 grit a wider "valley" around the area and eliminate any old filler then lay in the glass. Watching the "Rookie Restoration" thread has taught me more than any book or website.:amused:

Won't be on it today though, It's SNOWING in Vegas!

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SNOW in Vegas?? find you a showgal to keep warm......:gurney::ill::crap::banned: