Uncle Rich (Red Cherry)


Heart Attack
Mar 24, 2008
came to town yesterday,met him up the road at a gas station so he would not get lost on the way to my house. we went to the steak house and had lunch around noon,went to a fellow members home Todd Heiskel and visited for a while,then went to TimAT house to pick up a dizzy and a vette hood,did a little driving around and then headed to a casino around 6pm to see if lighting could strike again. Rich schooled me on how to play the one armed bandits and off i went with my $20,in a couple hrs all i managed to do was turn it into $167 bucks so no new vettes in my future.
I decided to watch the master for a while and eventually watched Rich turn a $100 bill into $900,long story short,we left the casino around 4:30am this morning and got back to my house around 5am,man was i beat.
Took Rich out for breakfast around 11am this morning and shot the shit some more for a couple of hr's and eventually got Rich back on the road around 1pm.
Rich is a good guy and has lot's of good stories to tell.
Thanks for stopping by Rich :1st: hope to see you again sometime soon :phone:
Hope he is heading this way???, would be nice to meet him, Florida got nice weather coming up right about now.....don't even need a/c yesterday....

top down cruising....maybe he can show me how to clean out the cruise ship....

Rich, I really enjoyed you coming buy. I’m sorry I had to go to work, but not everyone has your luck with the casinos. I’m the guy that keeps them in business. :suspicious:
If you get to meet Rich, make sure you get some medicine against stomach cramps...the stories he can tell :D
Keep, your money in your pocket, According to Beth, your a loser at the slots. Hope you have a good time in Vegas.