My old Tahoe 4wd (165k miles, automatic) has a weird vibration from 30-40mph. I don't think it's a wheel balance issue (don't really feel it only in the steering wheel). To try and isolate it, I did an experiment. I went up a slight grade from a stop and slowly accelerated to 40mph. At 32mph, I felt the vibration and let off the accellerator just enough to maintain speed but unload the drivetrain. Vibration stopped. Did the same at 35 and 40, same result.
I'm thinking a bad U-joint? Tried Googling it. That is useless. The saying "you can't find the forest from the trees" comes to mind.
I'm thinking a bad U-joint? Tried Googling it. That is useless. The saying "you can't find the forest from the trees" comes to mind.