We save the world...who saves us


Der Maulwurf
Mar 5, 2008
from the moronic idiots in power that allow these kinds of things to happen!!

Check these numbers, one of the smallest countries of all, contributing by far the most, twice that of the US, 3 times that of the UK. INSANE!!!


"Our Mission

UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.

UNFPA - because everyone counts"

Yes, because we are paying through the nose!!! And it looks like we still owe 9M
We have to look out for ourselves.

This is exactly what I am upset about - our governments tax the shit out of us, line their own pockets and then spend the rest on stupid shit abroad when our own people are in need.
I say hide your money if you have any, if you don't your gov. will take it from you.
Sounds like laudatory goals, but in reality it's a feel good sham for the more organized country leaders.....bunch of crapola that never accomplished a damn thing, especially when what EVER they did manage to accidentally DO, could have been done for 2% of the cost/overhead much quicker by other folks....

Get the UN out of the US, and the US out of the UN.....

that damn building donated and supported by the ROCKEFELLERS, is a symbol of what is RONG with this country.....dominated and controlled by PROGRESSIVES....

"Population Control" is not real popular here.

3rd world countries/cultures/attitudes are basically 500 years behind the rest of the intelligent world.....they are good for fucking themselves away from the table.....that's about IT.....

and NO, I"m NOT PC, but I AM correct.....based on 1/2 a century of personal observations.....

We have to look out for ourselves.

This is exactly what I am upset about - our governments tax the shit out of us, line their own pockets and then spend the rest on stupid shit abroad when our own people are in need.
I say hide your money if you have any, if you don't your gov. will take it from you.
x2. I have no problems lying to liars and thieves. Honest or not, dot gov will bury anybody for anything. The little man gets stepped on while the "good old boys" pat each other on the back and laugh.