We the People

Universal Service- maybe not liking that, but as a whole a good message.

Stand up for our selves--I've been preaching that for years. I do it everyday, to Darlene's dismay.:lol:
Universal Service- maybe not liking that, but as a whole a good message.

Stand up for our selves--I've been preaching that for years. I do it everyday, to Darlene's dismay.:lol:

I have had to learn to tone it down a bit over the years, or maybe it's just me getting older....

It seems that sometimes you find a cause worth fighting for but no one else wants to jump on your bandwagon, then you find yourself out in the cold wondering WTF did I do?:clobbered: After one or two life episodes like that you start to act like the rest of the sheep.....:noworry::noworry::noworry: better to be inconspicuous and "do ma thang" and let the rest of the world do theirs.:cool:

This whole idea of letting the gov't. officials fend for themselves like the public has to - and of making them subject to the same laws as us is wonderful - BUT IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. They just ain't gonna give up the sweet deal that they have. Would You if you were in their place?
AND the whole idea of US - We the People - making it happen is wonderful too, but it ain't gonna happen either, because the sheeple of this country have been taught NOT TO ROCK THE BOAT.:kissass: If you rock the boat and rattle peoples cages some weird and unusual shit will find you, people in power have a funny way of messing with We the People to keep us in line. Mel Gibson in the movie "Conspiracy Theory" is truer to life than makes me comfortable. Call me Paranoid:huh:

It's a great concept, can it be implemented? Will it be? Methinks no.
Interesting points made, but sending a tea bag dosen't sound like the best way to communicate the message. Can't help but believe that would shut down our security systems and put us all at risk.
DV8, Bird, you guyz preaching to the choir....

we/this bunch are hotrodders at heart, engineers/techs/mechanics by trade, we see the world much differently than some 'art' major....:lol:
This is the role of the federal government in the USA:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I would say that the federal government has overstepped their bounds as outlined in this statement and has "assumed" powers that were never provided by the Constitution. "Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"? Thats a joke these days.
This is the role of the federal government in the USA:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I would say that the federal government has overstepped their bounds as outlined in this statement and has "assumed" powers that were never provided by the Constitution. "Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"? Thats a joke these days.

The average person has no idea what the role of the federal government is supposed to be.
The average person has no idea what the role of the federal government is supposed to be.[/QUOTE]

True. But does the Fed. Gov't. have any clue as to what they should do?
Universal healthcare? The big ins. co's will never let it happen, and if some how or another it does, the big ins. co's will do what they can to undermine it and pervert it to their advantage. And the gov. will let it happen because that's what they do.

We the People are nothing but a source of income for our government. Our government don't give a rats ass about us unless that income is threatened. The only time my government takes notice of me is when I am late with my payments, then the rules are stacked against me and there is no fair play. If I miss a (tax) payment I am subject to extortionist rates of penalties and interest from my beloved government. If for some reason they owe ME money from a past issue they are NOT subject to the same penalties and interest. That makes me feel REAL GOOD knowing I get can fucked but can't fuck in return, it also gives me NO INCENTIVE to be a good citizen other than fearing federal prosecution.

I was recently audited and during the interview the federal representative asked me "Do you have any cash hoards at home? You know, like money stuffed under the mattress?"
Like I would tell them if I did? So they could screw me out of any pennies I save? NO FUCKING WAY!
I am lucky if I make 60 or 70 grand a year, why pick on small fish like me? There's no profit in it! Go audit some company that makes some REAL MONEY!

Recently I received a letter from the IRS explaining that the allowed time for my audit has expired and them asking me to sign papers allowing them to extend the time limit. WHAT - ARE THEY FUCKING CRAZY? The feds would NEVER extend any courtesy to ME if I had them in a similar position. Nor would they willingly pay me if they were at fault, they would find some "exclusion" allowing them to cheat me.

Sorry - but after the way my gov. has screwed with me I have no sympathy for them nor any desire to work with them either.

Yeah - I'd love to see the changes happen but mailing tea bags to our gov. will only temporarily prop up our failing post office, it won't do any other good.

The only way to shake the feds up is if EVERYONE REFUSED TO PAY THEIR TAXES.

Wouldn't that be nice?

This is the role of the federal government in the USA:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I would say that the federal government has overstepped their bounds as outlined in this statement and has "assumed" powers that were never provided by the Constitution. "Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"? Thats a joke these days.

I'm afraid since the first depression and FDR's New Deal, the executive branch has assumed the role of "Economy Czar." As Gene has stated, once the govt. steps in, the Peter Principal kicks in.
The executive, legislative and judicial branch of government have ALL overstepped their constitutional authority.

I guess the point is that the powers of the federal government used to be granted by the people. Now the roles are reversed.
If I miss a (tax) payment I am subject to extortionist rates of penalties and interest from my beloved government. If for some reason they owe ME money from a past issue they are NOT subject to the same penalties and interest.

This is not true…if the IRS owes you money they pay you interest on it.
If I miss a (tax) payment I am subject to extortionist rates of penalties and interest from my beloved government. If for some reason they owe ME money from a past issue they are NOT subject to the same penalties and interest.

This is not true…if the IRS owes you money they pay you interest on it.

You must be hallucinating. All I ever get is SCREWED by the IRS and the State. The government DOES NOT PAY penalties and interest to it's citizens. They may agree to drop an investigation and go away if you find them at fault but you will never receive penalties and interest from them. They do not play on a level playing field and if you try and force them to you find yourself being audited and harassed even more. If you don't believe me try butting heads with them.
Prime example - on the State level - I sent in a monthly sales tax payment for my business to the State of NJ, it was on time and for the correct amount. About 9 months later the State contacts me and informs me that they never received the payment. I tell them that they are mistaken and that I have the canceled check. They ask me for the bank #'s on the back of the check and agree that the numbers are from their bank and that they received the money but now inform me that they MIS APPLIED the funds and applied them to a business that I discontinued several years earlier. They then put the burden on ME to rectify THEIR MISTAKE which I refused to do. Later I had to hire an accountant to represent me and straighten out their mess. I paid his fees PLUS PENALTIES AND INTEREST plus the original on time tax payment. My accountant wrote a letter to the Governors office complaining about the way we were treated. He also advised me to drop the issue lest the State get a hair up it's ass and decide to investigate (translation = HARASS) me. I just FUCKING LOVE MY GOVERNMENT!

Like I said before, I have learned the hard way to keep my head down and try to go unnoticed.

Obama has his hands full with this mess. He may have some good ideas about how to make it right but I do not see it happening any time soon.


so what else is new?
Obama has his hands full with this mess. He may have some good ideas about how to make it right but I do not see it happening any time soon.

Yes getting a problem straightened out with the government is complicated. I have found dealing with the state is much easier than the feds. Obama has no ideas about simplifying the tax code…rather his plans complicate it further, especially for business.

Nothing about a government health benefit is a good idea. Think the IRS is a pain, you are dreaming if you think a gov health benefit would be any different. You are also dreaming if you think the quality of care will not go down for everyone. The house bill has a provision to ban all new private plans and only grandfather in existing plans. What does this mean? It means wealthy people will not be able to get private supplement plans to increase the quality of their care. If they want it this way I think it only fair that everyone pay in equally to the plan.

Insurance companies do not always make money, I can’t remember a year when my businesses group health insurance policy didn’t pay out equal to or more that it took in premiums. Last year the insurance company paid out $1,000 more in benefit than it collected in premium and the year before that it paid out $30,000 more in benefit.
National health care??? like the kickbacks my father would have HAD to pay to some crook on the hill?? back in the 50's when he had the best health ins plan for the dept of INterior?? because dad new the books just as good as the actuary, or the investment group wings of the company?? so Senator XYZoo wanted a kick or no go, no matter what....so....dad was absolutely FURIOUS on night, too TWO shots off the bottle, not just one I was like age 12 or so, starting in on the car hobby....stayed clear of the old man for over a week he was so pissed....

at any rate, somehow I think with that first hand knowledge that somehow things TODAY are just peachy keen???

BULLSHIT LITTLE EVA I DO....that's ok, it's your tax money, have fun....

think for a nanosecond any .GOV worker is going to be in under the public plan...somehow I doubt it, really really really doubt it, the kickbacks would be reduced....

A few years ago I had to take my daughter to the emergency room for an injury. I had insurance at the time. When later taking care of the paperwork I was informed by the hospital billing dept. that the ins. co. was always slow in paying and that they always paid less than the billed amount. I informed the staff that I would gladly pay my premiums directly to the hospital, thus eliminating the ins. co. and ensuring that the hospital at least got all of MY money.....

It's a great idea but it won't happen either. Too much profit will be lost by the ins. co.'s and our .gov would not stand for that!:shocking:
Hey Gene,

Nice new avatar.....

:smash: I greet the noobs with my favorite saying.....welcome to the motley crew of the Flying Dutchmen....referring to Marck/Xander.....some time ago we joked about sailing and the ghost ships and all that, with ref to over 'there'.....
I used to enjoy sailing a LOT....so when seeing that on a beer run, I about cracked up.....so bought some just for shits and giggles, and finally posted it here....


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