Weatherstrip retainers


Clueless In Sandland
Mar 24, 2008
Aussie expat in Saudi Arabia
I was stripping the remains of the old weatherstrips off my t-tops and broke a couple of the nut retainers trying to remove the rusted screws. Anyone fixed them before? I thought a pop rivet would be ok as it would be under the seal.

Also, how are the four screws (per side) supposed to go back in? I have new seals here but it looks like I'd have to cut the seal somewhere to get the screw inside it?!?! My old ones were destroyed, broken down crumbling crap so I couldn't see how it was done and the shop manual only says "secure weatherstrip to roof panel with four screws" :oh:
I got my vert stripping from Wilcox, and the rubber had some weak spots in it on the backside where the holes in the internal reinforcing metal were covered over in the casting.....poke around a tad, and methinks you will find them....

on the business side of the strip under the flange, you can maybe find the slot more clearly....:beer: