what do you guys think


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2008
Out here in Europe where space is rather limited, i know a lot of guys that wrench on old cars but really don't have the space to do it in.

Now I happened to be able to get a good deal on a large warehouse, that I could split up in about 10 boxes of ca 50 m² as a space for wrenching. I could put a lift, workbench, heating, electricity and airpressuresupply in each of them and rent each of the boxes. On top of that I could garage about 40 extra cars on the floor above for a fee.

The whole thing has added security and there is some additional space that I could buy to change into a corvette-only garage.

Would this be something of a good or a bad idea ? Tell me what you think.


When I was stationed out at Camp Pendelton they had something very similar, where the guys who lived on base could work on their cars in a shop environment rather than the barracks parking lot. It worked really well, they had a fairly cheap fee schedule and we had to sign a liability waiver. I'm not sure how it is over there, but I've heard people won't do it here because of the liability. The government has the luxury of telling people to go to hell if they try and bring a lawsuit. The private companies on the other hand, run the risk of not only being sued out of existence but also being put in jail, (waiver or not) because a customer is stupid.
I say that if the legal environment there would be favorable, you should go for it. I absolutely believe it would be a money maker. On the other hand, if your courts/juries are as asinine and idiotic as ours, it's a pipe dream.
When I was a kid, a guy tried it here in Santa Ana. Lasted about a year till an idiot dropped a car off a lift, and that was that.:clobbered:
Well working in the insurance sector, I know by a fact the liability doesn't go that far here and the claims are not that high/insurance is still affordable.. And you can still have them sign a contract that puts an end to idiots dropping a car of a lift and the like.
That sounds like it could work out but also sounds like it might be a lot of work to manage.

Maybe you could find a few local clubs that would rent the space. That way you only have to deal with the club, not the individual members.
It's an appealing idea and I wish I had something like that nearby. Also, most likely it'd be good to socialize on the spot with others working on their cars. Spending a weekend working on my car makes me feel like a social hermit.

In addition to the insurance problem here, I'm sure in California there'd be an Environment Protection Agency hassle. If a commercial establishment (rental garages) has oil, solvents, paint on site, you're going to need an EPA license.
America, the land of the free, still exists......in history books.
It's an appealing idea and I wish I had something like that nearby. Also, most likely it'd be good to socialize on the spot with others working on their cars. Spending a weekend working on my car makes me feel like a social hermit.

In addition to the insurance problem here, I'm sure in California there'd be an Environment Protection Agency hassle. If a commercial establishment (rental garages) has oil, solvents, paint on site, you're going to need an EPA license.
America, the land of the free, still exists......in history books.

I haven't thought about the sociolizing thing, but you're right.

The invironment hassele is something i will have to work out also. but I might be able to solve the problem if i could incorporate a good waste arrangement.

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