What to you guys think of this paint job?


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
California, San Jose
i think it looks pretty cool.. i actually had something very simular in mind..

I like the red and the flat black, just not sure about the strip placement. Kind of reminds of a Mopar or Camaro strip.
DAMN gal, that car looks GOOD, yours look anything close and it be fine....

I"m a fan of dark red/burgundy in general, and flat or metallic black accents....

not sure what you mean about you car wit the nose flat black....

basically it would be like that car only the flat black would extend to cover the entier nose since im glassing in a 73 bumper on my 78

INteresting you say that, in my fallback position has been flat/metallic black or gray to fill in and shade over the accidents/wear on my car over 15 years, the paint being over 20 years old....

I keep toying with the idea of flat black...or satin, but effort and money are stalling the thought process....
