Who's hungry


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
You don't gotta be Jewish to enjoy this most informative and delicious video. Anyone of those mentioned or seen here is absolutely, without a doubt....Oy, vey!!! Gotta have it good!!! :). Enjoy this video and get a little of our " culture!" IT BEATS HAMBURGERS!

You might enjoy watching The Jewish Delis, need your speaker on.

Decades ago when I was getting older, in the burbs of Wash DC, Maryland I had many Jewish friends, and of course went to many a Kosher Deli, especially in the summer time, when school/weekends did not collide.....well it turned out that one of the guys working behind a counter in the butcher shop area was a survivor, and it was said that you NEVER EVER walk behind him without announcing your presence first, ESPECIALLY if he had a cleaver in his hand.....one of them nervous ticks I guess.....:smash::surrender:

One time the guys put me up to asking for a ham and cheese on rye.....it was over a year later before I dared walk in the joint again.....:twitch::eek:

Of all my Jewish friends there was only one that kept anything near Kosher.....

"Oy, vey!!!" It was years later I discovered that was not a Japanese saying. Which I heard Fuji say many times on McHale's Navy.

I grew up eating corned beef on rye with sauerkraut. I now passed the lovin on to my daughter.
