Fast Pedalphile
Why should I obey the law when those who work for my local government do not honor or respect it? I live close to a school administration building and this municipal vehicle parks illegally almost every business day. There is a parking lot around back, as the sign says. This is a narrow but busy two way street and this vehicle creates a traffic nuisance. I have politely written to our Mayor but the problem persists. If I park in front of my house over night, I get a ticket. I live on a dead end street and am the next to the last house. I don't understand. Am I supposed to do as the local government says or should I follow their example and do as they do?
I apologize for the poor picture quality. The vehicle has tags with an MG prefix (Municipal Government), the sign says Board of Education Parking In Rear, the faded sign below says NO PARKING. I guess this driver can't read.
And we wonder why our society is so crazy. Everyone just does whatever they want to!
I apologize for the poor picture quality. The vehicle has tags with an MG prefix (Municipal Government), the sign says Board of Education Parking In Rear, the faded sign below says NO PARKING. I guess this driver can't read.
And we wonder why our society is so crazy. Everyone just does whatever they want to!