NO, become part of the problem....get a .gov job, something you can't be fired from.....FED is best, after that, be a cop or fire/rescue/paramed....
or hospital worker, RN...practical nurse....
OR do like a old friend did...get lost in the school system backup/logistic support...after his Navy hitch+ he went to be a school bus mechanic for Dade Co. Florida...bought a house, and now some years later a 60' boat, so he can sail around the world....serious....and of course he will sell his house....
and so he switched out of mechanic, to the public school textbook/library so does warehouse work....after some 25 years now, he ready to retire....
The really olde tyme Federal employment system is no longer in affect, it WAS for the duration of all the Nixon hires...he got stuck expanding the from all the LBJ horsecrap passed in the 60's....well they get 80%+ of their my ex making some 140 grand/year when she retired, as a retarred person now...she collects over 100 grand/year in income....
outta that about 5000/month disposable income.....not too shabby even IF it's only 4000/month and a paid off house....
Gotta play the game, I was in private industry all my life, stupid ME....