No turning back now

Yea i would like to get the sealer sprayed and the filler/primer on so i can go around a look for all those pesky low spots :flash:
Maybe in another week or 2 i can put some color on it :yahoo:
Here are some new pics of progress,not much has happened other than i cleaned it up from all the sanding and body work. supposed to be nice tomorrow so i will back it out and sand 1 more time with some 220.And yes the front emblem will come off,that sucker is fighting me,it's a new one i put on last year and it does not want to budge,i will have to persuade it a little more.
Kev...that emblem glued on? Razor blade should get it off.

Musta been a biatch cleaning all the dust off of it.. You do under the hood and vacuum out all possible places? Under the body, etc?

I was working on my interior panels and there was dust in the crevises...not that it matters much in the doors. Pull the sills, etc.

Garage looks ready for paint booth set-up:bump:

Get a piece of plastic banding ( that is put around a box ) and slide it under the emblem. Move it back & forth, and it will act like a saw without damaging the body. I now it sounds weird, but it will work! After paint, use double sided tape to reinstall the emblem.

I don't remember sealing my car until it was in the paint booth, ready for paint? Filler primer was 1st, then several coats of 2k primer. I just did what I was told. Just someone else's helper. :waxer: I wasn't aloud to make any decisions, just pay for the materials. What brand of paint are you going to use? Looks like you will have it ready for the next " Bird Fest ".

Good Luck on the hard part! :yahoo:
I have never had long lasting luck with double edge tape....but RTV black works like a charm, has held my metal '65 Fuel Injection logo on back of my car since I got it...15 years studs, ground them off the sign....

The thick black with yellow backing made by 3M works great. Very similar with what's used on the new emblems. Pretty expensive for a roll. Luckily mine was given to me.
The thick black with yellow backing made by 3M works great. Very similar with what's used on the new emblems. Pretty expensive for a roll. Luckily mine was given to me.

It has the 3m double sided tape under it right now,and it is being a biatch to get off. I will give your plastic strap a try,i injected some wax and silicon remover under it with a syringe maybe that will help loosen it up.
Kev...that emblem glued on? Razor blade should get it off.

Musta been a biatch cleaning all the dust off of it.. You do under the hood and vacuum out all possible places? Under the body, etc?

I was working on my interior panels and there was dust in the crevises...not that it matters much in the doors. Pull the sills, etc.

Garage looks ready for paint booth set-up:bump:

I had the car outside Friday and sanded it with 180,going to use 220 next. then i fired up the Stihl leaf blower and cleaned out my garage while the car was out :amused: then used it on the car,you know that works better than an air hose.when i was done for the day i moved it back in and wiped the entire car down with PPG wax and silicon remover,thats why it looks so clean.
After the final sanding tomorrow, I am going to hang plastic sheeting in that side of the garage and get ready for the some spraying.
Kev...that emblem glued on? Razor blade should get it off.

Musta been a biatch cleaning all the dust off of it.. You do under the hood and vacuum out all possible places? Under the body, etc?

I was working on my interior panels and there was dust in the crevises...not that it matters much in the doors. Pull the sills, etc.

Garage looks ready for paint booth set-up:bump:

I had the car outside Friday and sanded it with 180,going to use 220 next. then i fired up the Stihl leaf blower and cleaned out my garage while the car was out :amused: then used it on the car,you know that works better than an air hose.when i was done for the day i moved it back in and wiped the entire car down with PPG wax and silicon remover,thats why it looks so clean.
After the final sanding tomorrow, I am going to hang plastic sheeting in that side of the garage and get ready for the some spraying:yahoo::yahoo:.

You forgot the:yahoo::yahoo:, so I added it.
Kev...that emblem glued on? Razor blade should get it off.

Musta been a biatch cleaning all the dust off of it.. You do under the hood and vacuum out all possible places? Under the body, etc?

I was working on my interior panels and there was dust in the crevises...not that it matters much in the doors. Pull the sills, etc.

Garage looks ready for paint booth set-up:bump:

I had the car outside Friday and sanded it with 180,going to use 220 next. then i fired up the Stihl leaf blower and cleaned out my garage while the car was out :amused: then used it on the car,you know that works better than an air hose.when i was done for the day i moved it back in and wiped the entire car down with PPG wax and silicon remover,thats why it looks so clean.
After the final sanding tomorrow, I am going to hang plastic sheeting in that side of the garage and get ready for the some spraying:yahoo::yahoo:.

You forgot the:yahoo::yahoo:, so I added it.

Ooooop's my bad
,thanks for correcting. I'm so sick of looking at sand paper :banghead:
You midwestern guys sure do appreciate that Stihl stuff.

Got a BR600 blower a few years ago. You can dig holes with that baby. Use it every chance I get.
Wife uses it to scare away your noisey northern birds this time of year.
You midwestern guys sure do appreciate that Stihl stuff.

Got a BR600 blower a few years ago. You can dig holes with that baby. Use it every chance I get.
Wife uses it to scare away your noisey northern birds this time of year.

Thats the good stuff :thumbs: did you notice the Stihl chain saw sitting on the floor behind the vette :eek: have one of their big weed whackers in the barn.
You midwestern guys sure do appreciate that Stihl stuff.

Got a BR600 blower a few years ago. You can dig holes with that baby. Use it every chance I get.
Wife uses it to scare away your noisey northern birds this time of year.

ONLY in Florida, man ONLY in Florida.....

sandbar for the un initiated.....

Any of your stuff have the 4Mix engines?

No. all 2mix. most of my stuff is 10-15 years old,and still running strong. I have cut down more Honey Locust and Hedge tree's at my farm than i can count,and if you have ever had to mess with them you will know that they are hardwood trees,very hard.In one full day i can go through 2-3 chains,but the old Stihl is running strong.
Familiar with the hedge row, brutal stuff. :yahoo:

My chainsaw is over 10 years old and never needed repair, just new chains.
The trimmer and blower are the newer 4 mix engines. Built like a 4 stroke, but you mix the oil in the gas like a 2 stroke. Rev a lot lower and as quiet as a 4 stroke. Never had one apart. Just wondered how they were made. Leave it to Stihl to come up with something like that.

Just remembered about the hedgeballs. Used them for something weird, like put them in walls for roaches and termite treatment???
Can't remember.
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Familiar with the hedge row, brutal stuff. :yahoo:

My chainsaw is over 10 years old and never needed repair, just new chains.
The trimmer and blower are the newer 4 mix engines. Built like a 4 stroke, but you mix the oil in the gas like a 2 stroke. Rev a lot lower and as quiet as a 4 stroke. Never had one apart. Just wondered how they were made. Leave it to Stihl to come up with something like that.

Just remembered about the hedgeballs. Used them for something weird, like put them in walls for roaches and termite treatment???
Can't remember.

Yea Hedge Apples,make great insect and spider insecticide. throw some under the house,place them on a sheet of tin foil and place in the corners of the basement or garage,they work quite well.just make sure to place them on something like the foil so when they rot away they wont leave a stain behind,and for easy disposal.
Hedge trees do have a value to them,for making fence corner post,suckers will last for ever.
Honey Locust,they are just a pain,a great big pain,have thorns that can grow up to 6" or more,they are hard on tractor and equipment tires. I cut down every one i can find and spray the stump with Tordone or girdle it and spray it. if you do not treat the the stump they will grow new trees off the root suckers and multiply like rabbits.