Hey Red

WTF? Reds mo hasn't arrived and DB's still procuring other parts just 2 days ago???? This beats it all. You just gotta wish the mods at CF could see this shit,


Butt, butt, butt, what I meant to say was, "My dog ate the M/O.";)

rumor has it he has provided the CF mods a tracking number...I guess this case is closed....unless of course that was yet another lie....Red did you get a tracking number for your refund?
Yes...I got a message with a photo of the MO and tracking number. He never asked how to write the MO. He used my nickname Mike, instead of using Michael. I don't know how fussy the PO is on that sort of thing. If it arrives in today's mail I will find out shortly.
Phew, so he should have his posting privileges back soon then? I'll race over there and start a "welcome back" thread...

He WILL be welcomed back with open arms, after all he didn`t do anything warrantying a vacation...he didn`t bash anyone, he didn`t break any of their rules (so I have been told), they can obviously overlook the lying, stealing and cheating. Besides...whats more important his well being or Red69 having his money, or the cylinder heads he paid for THREE MONTHS AGO?..Come on you guys this is 2009 get with it, all that`s important is the :kissass: he does...and it`s obvious he is a world class ass kisser.
Phew, so he should have his posting privileges back soon then? I'll race over there and start a "welcome back" thread...

Simply copy and paste your first post at Motorgen... that will be good for some entertainment at CF.... :yahoo:

Yea, do that. We'll run with it.:friends:
mods seem to take the weekends off so it might stay active for awhile:D Course' knowing them, they problably have a "Any thread with DB in the post" early warning alert notification set up to send an alert to their cell phones so they can hurry to their laptops to delete them as they come in.
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Yes...I got a message with a photo of the MO and tracking number. He never asked how to write the MO. He used my nickname Mike, instead of using Michael. I don't know how fussy the PO is on that sort of thing. If it arrives in today's mail I will find out shortly.

Suppose there will be an "I am so sorry this whole "misunderstanding" ever happened" note accompanying it if it comes. Then a "Can we still be Corvette brothers at CF?":rofl:
Also, expect a message from a mod stating "The issue between Red and our Superhero has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties involved as well as this forum and any further mention of this matter will result in immediate vacation time or permenant banning!":)
Also, expect a message from a mod stating "The issue between Red and our Superhero has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties involved as well as this forum and any further mention of this matter will result in immediate vacation time or permenant banning!":)

You have to see the big picture here.

DB, by his own acclaim is a car builder, steel building designer, internet custom engine builder, tshirt supplier, pro photographer and probably more.
Quite an entrepreneur.

He is simply following basic, successful, proven, business economics,
OPM: using Other People's Money.

:devil: :stirpot: :hunter: :confused2: :skeptic: :banghead: :cry:

I want to know Red's interest fees and penalties.

You forgot Bouncer, probably means someone who sends bouncing cheques :D :banned:
So all of America wants to know;

HEY RED, YOU GET THAT $$ YET?????????????????
OK gang....my refund MO check arrived today and was deposited into my bank account. I'm glad to have this behind me, it was an eye opening experience. I was owed $770 and that is what i received. DB suggested he was going to send $800 to compensate for my trouble, but that didn't happen. The heads were $750 and the extra $20 was for his making the temp sender hole the size of the stock sender. Later we spoke about just turning down a stock sender to fit the smaller hole. When the heads didn't show up, he told me he had a small sender made and shipped with the heads to surprise me at no extra cost. The turned sender was going to cost $35, an additional $15. Man...I got so sick of listening to that kind of BS it made me sick. Just get me the heads, is what I wanted to scream!

I asked DB, if the heads were shipped without tracking and insurance, how do you know I didn't receive them? He says, you said they didn't arrive and that is good enough for me. :sick: There were so many holes in his stories, only a blind man couldn't see through them.

You guys were way ahead of me in recognizing a duck when you saw one. I'm going to move on and avoid that place even more than I have. Thanks again to those who supported me, I'm not going anywhere.:friends:
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I am happy that you have this part of the saga behind you. Perhaps at least some will see this for what it really was, and not a random act.

Unfortunately, part 2, the spewing of BS about "his version" is about to begin.:bonkers: After suffering from "post posting withdrawl", I anticipate a posting "frenzy" the likes they have never seen.

Again, I'm glad your FINALLY taken care of Mike.
HEY MIKE, you made it, if it don't 'bounce'....

glad to see that.....

maybe when we warm up a bit, I head south meet for lunch....

I not going to be around for NCRS Kiss show as other fun things in the works, heading west to Cedar Key instead...olde tyme friends from outta town....

slim chance but may be thrusday at NCRS....
I am happy that you have this part of the saga behind you. Perhaps at least some will see this for what it really was, and not a random act.

Unfortunately, part 2, the spewing of BS about "his version" is about to begin.:bonkers: After suffering from "post posting withdrawl", I anticipate a posting "frenzy" the likes they have never seen.

Again, I'm glad your FINALLY taken care of Mike.

I agree. Glad you finally got your money back Red. All Vette owners are not thieving liars so don't let it dampen your view of everyone;)