Do not ,not, not try this at home!

Michel, if I was headed back up your way I'd bring some Missouri painkiller for you.
Hang in there. It'll heal. Do what the Docs tell you.
I never thought to take pics of my scars
Speedy recovery

Me neither, as I was waiting, the phone rang, when I tried to turn down the call, because I was kinda busy.... I realized this thing could take pictures... sooooo I suddenly felt the need to share the view with you guys lol

Sorry, lol

and thanks again guys.
Do you mind telling what caused your injury?

I had some minor surgery on my left index finger three weeks ago. Horrible complications from a bee sting. Looked like I was bit by a venomous snake..a big purple section of dead epidermal skin and a blood blister. I was surprised that after two syringes of lidocaine, I still had some feeling in my finger. Apparently your hand is rich in nerves, it's harder to anesthetize than your teeth. . I watched them start to cut the dead skin away with a scalpel. Bad idea. It was awful to look out and very painful. I was surprised that I started to faint..nearly passed out completely. Doc and assistant got excited. They were concerned I was having a heart attack. They gave me oxygen and later some Gatorade to get my blood sugar levels up. Then they went back to whittling away on me, but this time I didn't look.

I agree with every one's comments about pain pills. My wife has a terrible problem with back pain but she's afraid to take pills. I had an incident of back pain and wooo, I had absolutely no reluctance about gulping pain pills. I quickly found out that a bottle of wine and pain pills worked well in conjunction.

A last interesting thing about my finger problem and modern technology. After describing everything to the doctor after I first arrived, he took pictures of my finger and emailed them along with a text message of what was going on, with his smart phone to a specialist doctor somewhere. I had to wait for about a half an hour for a reply. There apparently was a concern that gangrene had set in and so the doctor cutting on me had to have a contingency plan. I was really impressed that backup expert opinion could be accessed so easily and quickly. It turns out that the clinic I went to is a chain clinic with many facilities..maybe it's a franchise. I would imagine they have specialist doctors on standby for backup recommendations.
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Do you mind telling what caused your injury?

I think I explained what happened in another post but

broke my wrist and crushed the hand,

yes the hand is rich in nerves , thats why it hurt so damn much.

Even after a week, the swell is still ther and need painkillers even if I'm reluctrant to take them.
If they wear off during the night, it wakes me up and it feels like my hand is in a vice.
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Do you mind telling what caused your injury?

I think I explained what happened in another post but

broke my wrist and crushed the hand,

yes the hand is rich in nerves , thats why it hurt so damn much.

Even after a week, the swell is still ther and need painkillers even if I'm reluctrant to take them.
If they wear off during the night, it wakes me up and it feels like my hand is in a vice.

You'll be that way for a little while, after being on demurral and morphine while in the hospital for 6 weeks they sent me home with Tylenol 3's that I was on, 2 every 4 hours for about a year!
Well they took the cast off, after 5 weeks there was a lot ofdead skin LOL

Everything looks allright, (compared to last time anyway) They left the "extreme piercings " in place but still got to be in a cast for another 3 weeks.


Oh Well, The Vette will have to wait a bit more.
Well I can call this adventure OVER!

My hand is working well altho I lost some abilities a bit but I'll get over it and can work so it aint that bad.

Shoulders seems to hold pretty good.

It took almost 9 months to get back from this crap.
All in all I can say that it was one hell of a ride.
Never felt pain like this before.

I started a new job last monday and things are getting better.........


Until yesterday, the temperature was warm so most of the ice and snow has melted, the driveway and the streets are pretty dry.
I get out of my car, and there one small spot of ice and I find it.
I slip, fall and


Damn I'm pissed!
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Well I can call this adventure OVER!

My hand is working well altho I lost some abilities a bit but I'll get over it and can work so it aint that bad.

Shoulders seems to hold pretty good.

It took almost 9 months to get back from this crap.
All in all I can say that it was one hell of a ride.
Never felt pain like this before.

I started a new job last monday and things are getting better.........


Until yesterday, the temperature was warm so most of the ice and snow has melted, the driveway and the streets are pretty dry.
I get out of my car, and there one small spot of ice and I find it.
I slip, fall and


Damn I'm pissed!

FUCK!!! YGTBFSM......even a frog can't be THAT unlucky.....

jumping from the frying pan into the fire.....

sorry to hear that man, back to band aids and booze, I guess....

that sux the green weenie for sure.....

Nooooooo :surrender::clobbered::hissyfit:
Almost cried reading.
Let me know when you're visitable.

This sux! The first one made me cringe
... now which mofo said "break a leg????"

Anyways, speedy recovery. ;)

Sent from my dumb 4g motorolly
Thanks guys,
Denis, I'm always ''visitable'' remember I installed af full beer fridge LOL
I cooled off a bit.... and the damn thing is still broken LOL

I have a temporary cast for now and I should see the bone doctor (orthopedist) today about it.

Not sure if they have to operate because they say that it's a nasty break and I'm lucky a pointy bone didnt stick out thru the skin.
Just what I needed huh?

Oh well!
ever considered moving to Florida?

that roundly sucks, get well soon

I suppose the bright side is you know which doctor to see (I have my own joint doctor - on speed dial)....