front flares and grilles - louvers -- project finally started

If you put that stripper on and then cover it with plastic wrap it'll speed it up. The hot solvents evaporate really fast and leave the slower ones to do the job.
If you put that stripper on and then cover it with plastic wrap it'll speed it up. The hot solvents evaporate really fast and leave the slower ones to do the job.

I guess a plastic bag will work ???? I'll try that - brush on the stripper, then put the grill in a plastic bag and let it sit.... it sure can't hurt....
It seems it's time for an update: I did finally manage to glue everything in place witn the 8116 adhesive.... again, this is some incredible stuff, well worth the money....


I am glad I bought the Harbor Freight clamps when they were on sale....



. here it is all glued in place and covered with one coat of Evercoat SMC adhesive/filler...


sanding and bondo is next... then the passenger side....
Looking good mate. Did you use dry wall tape behind the join?

Thanks :)

I used bonding strips that I made from fiberglass mat and resin, you can see them in some of the photos.

I also used the 3M equivalent to drywall tape, same stuff just more expensive... I believe it's 3M but could be Evercoat... not sure but I usually buy this stuff from TCPglobal so you can find it there...

Damn Karsten, you do good work, they should hire you for the QC dept at Merc and BMW....


slow but eventually it'll be finished....... first coat of primer and sanded.... ready for more filler/primer... can't wait to see this painted.... :D

That's looking real good.

thanks :thumbs:

I think I started cutting the fenders in January this year.... it's been eight months and I have not had it on the road with the new rims and tires :twitch: :push: :tomato:

I still have to replace the lower fender and grill on the passenger side, hope to get it done before Christmas :eek:

slow but eventually it'll be finished....... first coat of primer and sanded.... ready for more filler/primer... can't wait to see this painted.... :D


I ain't normally a big fan of flares but those look nice. You done good! I would give it a try on my 82 but looks too hard to put them on and deal with the front bumper cover as well.
started on the passenger side.....



This time I left the lower section in place and just used a prybar to break the old glue ... cleaned the whole thing and glued it back in place using the 3M stuff... it should stay there for another 100 years :thumbs:
I ain't normally a big fan of flares but those look nice. You done good! I would give it a try on my 82 but looks too hard to put them on and deal with the front bumper cover as well.

yes, with the 80-82 front bumper it's a little more difficult but it can be done. A little easier if the bumper is fiberglass so the flares can be molded in with the bumper....