I Have Been Banned !!!

That other guy kicked the bucket...no way you can contact him now, only if you have a connection into the pit below.
That other guy kicked the bucket...no way you can contact him now, only if you have a connection into the pit below.

I don't recall any issues with him in the past, I WAS band there for a month or a week something, long time ago....I dunno who....

The building a bench at the NCM for him, wonder what is going to happen to the joint when the assy line across the street is shut down....:cry::toothbrush:

course then again, there is a brick or something in memory of Douglas K. Johnson, anyone feel free to piss on his memento there please....

I just joined the club and was banned because I won't let them strong arm me for monthly payments. Probably some of the usual vendors complaining again, too bad they didn't put as much effort into their rebuilding qualities instead of exchanging junk with people. Oh well life goes on.
The CF mods kill the site faster than even trolls and spammers can and will drive away members in droves:drink::hunter:

Vettemod provides everything we need and it is free:1st::thumbs:
Well Gary..you can't say you didn't know it was coming LOL. I'm surprised they tolerated you there as long as they did. With all the posts about people giving up vendor status. Vettesbydesign for instance? Yes...he's still selling/pushing parts but now not as a vendor..apparently it flies for him. How about Duntov? They're no longer a supporting vendor. Probably others too, and then you are there...so they need more money so they strong arm you

Well they're just going to have to wait. Considering my last "sale" netted me $7 profit for the month.LOL That's ok if they dump me,I've had vette over 30 years now and the excitement level isn't the same anymore for me. The guys that will loose out are the ones that guys like Lars, yourself,myself and others could have helped with answers. There is a lot of mis-information on tech questions there and some of the vendors work being touted is very poor as you know.

Kevin I guess is still posting, but he doesn't rebuild units, therefore the complainers leave him alone and don't get on the mods backs about it.
Good for him but it's getting harder to find customers with extra cash for hot rod parts these days. Oh I forgot I heard on the local news we're out of the recession we were in the past 3 years. Someone must have forgot to tell the American people who are still unemployed and homeless.

Didn't hear about Duntov but actions speak volumes.
Yeah I saw you were banned. That's too bad, but I'm glad you're here. As you mentioned, Gary, there are a lot of good guys out there that have been burned by CF. I think I joined this site just in time. Ironically, you were the one that turned me to here. I'm kind of reluctant to post on CF because I figure they'll ban me for something stupid.
About a month ago I got, what I would guess, was the shortest ban ever. I was online and reading threads then up popped the 60 day ban. I pm'd or crossram pm'd me and it was lifted, all of about 15 minutes later:suspicious: Talk about friggin' trigger happy!
Geeee...I don't know what you guys are doing to get banned from over there. I've been there for YEARS and never had a problem. :rofl:
Geeee...I don't know what you guys are doing to get banned from over there. I've been there for YEARS and never had a problem. :rofl:

Email me your handles please, I wanna know just for knowing....

and to laugh my ass off, you secret will be safe...seriously.....:stirpot::cool::crutches::friends:
Geeee...I don't know what you guys are doing to get banned from over there. I've been there for YEARS and never had a problem. :rofl:

Geeee...I don't know what you guys are doing to get banned from over there. I've been there for YEARS and never had a problem. :rofl:

Email me your handles please, I wanna know just for knowing....

and to laugh my ass off, you secret will be safe...seriously.....:stirpot::cool::crutches::friends:

:bounce::bounce:Yeah, me too, I'd like to know what you're NOT doing to get banned?:skeptic:

.....I got banned from brand X for trying to calm people down:amazed:
Guess it was too much for (what was that old bastitches name-the admin)?

No grat loss and I love this place.....I'm here and on our Florida site more than any place. I post a little over at DC but usually just to piss off the insurance people and anti-cop crowd:bounce:

Peter (Pewter99) was on our florida site and logged in with several screen names. Tried causing disruption and starting crap...things thathe and other ban people for over at uptight.com.

It got so bad, he was doing it from work, so I got in touch with his commander, a long time USCG (r) bud of mine and he took care of it....haven't seen him sense:bounce::bounce:

Don't come in my house (I'm a moderator there) and start crap and I'll respect yours! Pretty simple concept for most people;)...except apparently for him.

I could give out his cell number but since he's a wanna be LEO, I probably won't.

BTW---who was the old dude that died someone mentioned a page or 2 back.

This is a great place....very happy I stumbled across it.

I'll check out the sponsorship in a bit.

Thanks for making the site available:)
:bounce::bounce:Yeah, me too, I'd like to know what you're NOT doing to get banned?:skeptic:

It was a sarcastic remark by me :wink: The old timers know I've been banned on both CF as well as DC. Still banned on DC. I had to talk to George Daina to get back on CF. But now there's nothing there to talk about and nobody to talk with. All the good guys migrated here. So I don't go to CF any more.

<sigh> I almost miss the good ol' days of catching a certain "Durango" person in BS stories. When he was banned from CF it was almost an anti-climax.
:bounce::bounce:Yeah, me too, I'd like to know what you're NOT doing to get banned?:skeptic:

It was a sarcastic remark by me :wink: The old timers know I've been banned on both CF as well as DC. Still banned on DC. I had to talk to George Daina to get back on CF. But now there's nothing there to talk about and nobody to talk with. All the good guys migrated here. So I don't go to CF any more.

<sigh> I almost miss the good ol' days of catching a certain "Durango" person in BS stories. When he was banned from CF it was almost an anti-climax.

LOL....well damned!

Let me gewt my :footmouth: out:crylol:

I'm an old timer on DC and CF, been banned in both:nuts:but still a newbie here....typical newbie mistake.

My apologies my friend.

:bounce::bounce:Yeah, me too, I'd like to know what you're NOT doing to get banned?:skeptic:

It was a sarcastic remark by me :wink: The old timers know I've been banned on both CF as well as DC. Still banned on DC. I had to talk to George Daina to get back on CF. But now there's nothing there to talk about and nobody to talk with. All the good guys migrated here. So I don't go to CF any more.

<sigh> I almost miss the good ol' days of catching a certain "Durango" person in BS stories. When he was banned from CF it was almost an anti-climax.

LOL....well damned!

Let me gewt my :footmouth: out:crylol:

I'm an old timer on DC and CF, been banned in both:nuts:but still a newbie here....typical newbie mistake.

My apologies my friend.


Nothing to apologize for. :thumbs:
That other guy kicked the bucket...no way you can contact him now, only if you have a connection into the pit below.

If it was pewter 99 I'd like to piss on his grave. :club:

I understand the sentiment. Used to consider him a close friend. Partied with him and his ex-wife, the wife and I went to parties and get togethers (Vette related) with them, went shooting together, etc.....as soon as he became a moderator, he became a total A-hole:(

I'm a mod on another site, and tried to talk to him, get him to chill out and remain "human." Didn't work, came to our site and started his crap and the rest is history.

He's pretty young though (relatively speaking) so I doubt it was him.

Anyone know who it was?
TT was talking about Irish Mac.

Love the reference to the "pit below". There is probably still a line waiting to piss on his grave!
I was given a 2 week ban at CF for telling members how to build a cup holder for their C5 for under $4 instead of paying a vendor $20 for the same thing.

I just wonder how long it will be before DC follows.