Lazy-assed Ophra watching good for nothings....


Blown Member
Mar 23, 2008
Austin, Texas
Now Obama and Congress seem to have agreed to an additional 13 months of unemployment pay. That totals to 3 YEARS of continuous unemployment checks. As an employer, if I see you have been unemployed for three years, you have no chance in hell working for my business. Geez.
Now Obama and Congress seem to have agreed to an additional 13 months of unemployment pay. That totals to 3 YEARS of continuous unemployment checks. As an employer, if I see you have been unemployed for three years, you have no chance in hell working for my business. Geez.

Yeah, when I heard him mention 13 months, I just assumed he misspoke and actually meant 13 weeks, cuz 13 months would be an insanity. Later on I heard the 13 month thing again, and I thought, DAMN, these assholes are freakin' serious.

Now Obama and Congress seem to have agreed to an additional 13 months of unemployment pay. That totals to 3 YEARS of continuous unemployment checks. As an employer, if I see you have been unemployed for three years, you have no chance in hell working for my business. Geez.

Yeah, when I heard him mention 13 months, I just assumed he misspoke and actually meant 13 weeks, cuz 13 months would be an insanity. Later on I heard the 13 month thing again, and I thought, DAMN, these assholes are freakin' serious.


It's fu(king crazy...I could close my shop tomorrow and have a job in less than 24 hours. Guaranteed. Can you tell this shit is pissing me off?
I dunno man, wife's sister age 58 or so, been working all her life, and her mortgage company she was office manager for, closed down...8 people on the street, she been looking and interviewing, but at age 58, shit, they ain't hiring for nothing,.....I wouldn't mind a PT job somewhere I didn't have to spend 4+ hours on my freeking FEET all day....:hissyfit:

Wife was a office type at a Oldsmobile dealership....well we know how THAT turned she has her own little bookeeping business outta the house here, and many of her clients have a rough time of it.....unexpected expenses, tons of stupid crap, not the least of which is fucked up .gov related bullshit....:goodnight: a few of them just shut down and walked away....

you would THINK a gas station owner would prosper....NO, he just ran for the hills got his money/investment of some 40 grand back outta the operation, and walked....told BP...before the spill to take a hike FU don't EVER call me again.....freeking major chain here stations all over the joint....

who in hell going to hire someone at age 58, when they can hire their kids for 1/2 the wages....and expect them to RUN all day for ten hours....

I admit us older folks will have a more difficult time of it, but a friend who is about 65 just got a job at Best Buy as a greeter/ returns check-in person. Now he could have held out for a higher-paying job that matched his skills, but he found this job right away, and isn't sitting on a couch eating bon-bons, collecting unemployment. I say if you are getting a govt. hand-out, you should be working on a road crew, trash pick-up or community service job. No work= no pay.:censored::censored:
There is of course, the other side of the coin.
Unemployment checks go right back into the community. People are not saving them, they spend them immediately for food or rent.
It's better then long term welfare.
Banks got trillions to bail them out, what is a few billion to bail out the average Joe?
Probably the cost of that worthless war for 1 week.
Hell, I bet we spent more than that already on Iraqi telephone service.
At least it is here, not over in that God Foresaken desert.
There is of course, the other side of the coin.
Unemployment checks go right back into the community. People are not saving them, they spend them immediately for food or rent.
It's better then long term welfare.
Banks got trillions to bail them out, what is a few billion to bail out the average Joe?
Probably the cost of that worthless war for 1 week.
Hell, I bet we spent more than that already on Iraqi telephone service.
At least it is here, not over in that God Foresaken desert.

I'd win that terror war in 6 weeks or less....but then again, I"m not PC not one damn BIT.....

I gotta agree on this bank crap...BUT it's all started with the bum home financing demanded by the crap.....

and of course today, banks won't lend to Jesus.....

I fail to see why we should rebuild some area full of idiots we can get along without very nicely....WTF is in Iraq or Afgan we can't live without....except it seems....

if after 52 weeks or 99 weeks or now an additional 13 MONTHS someone has not found a job it's because that job is either FOREVER gone - so get a new skill or you are in the wrong market with expectations of grandeur beyond what the market will bear for you skills

I's shovel shit if I had to - get rid of the illegals
WTF happened to workfare?

Remember the crap with those on welfare. Isn't this the same crap?
Hey pick up garbage, paint the town hall, clean the parks - get rid of this cradle to the grave welfare state.

Pat Buchanan had a great article recently - he said there are two types of people in the USA - those that ride for free & those that pay double fare.
Doesn't the previous employer have to pay a significant part of unemployment compensation? That can be quite a burden on small business trying to make ends meet in this economy. A friend of mine has a business where he has to pay pretty much minimum wage. High turnover. All to often his lazier employee's opt out to go collect unemployment. He just tells the umemployment office that the job is still here, send them back. That usually nips that strategy in the butt real quick. :clap:
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Doesn't the previous employer have to pay a significant part of unemployment compensation? That can be quite a burden on small business trying to make ends meet in this economy. A friend of mine has a business where he has to pay pretty much minimum wage. High turnover. All to often his lazier employee's opt out to go collect unemployment. He just tells the umemployment office that the job is still here, send them back. That usually nips that strategy in the butt real quick. :clap:

The businesses pay a percentage of salaries back to the state (unemployment tax). When an individual uses up his/her 26 weeks, that expires and the Federal unemployment takes over. The employers responsibility ends at 26 weeks. Then you and I pick up the remaining 125 weeks. It's just welfare past 26 weeks. I say if you get a check, you must report to the state for work.
WTF happened to workfare?

Remember the crap with those on welfare. Isn't this the same crap?
Hey pick up garbage, paint the town hall, clean the parks - get rid of this cradle to the grave welfare state.

Pat Buchanan had a great article recently - he said there are two types of people in the USA - those that ride for free & those that pay double fare.

I have no issue with that. I had hoped there would have been such an FDR type "New Deal" work program in place by now.
Of course, one more Govt. juggernaut is not a good idea either.
Although I have no doubt unemployment has been abused, I still believe it's a pittence compared to "Investing" in the fookin Iraq/Afgan desert.
How about free health care to prisoners? Talk about crap. Here in Kalifornia, they just dropped vison care for low income children, but felons get full medical care.
The best thing you can do here if broke, is throw a brick at a cop car.
3 squares and a cot, a roof and health care. WTF?
I admit us older folks will have a more difficult time of it, but a friend who is about 65 just got a job at Best Buy as a greeter/ returns check-in person. Now he could have held out for a higher-paying job that matched his skills, but he found this job right away, and isn't sitting on a couch eating bon-bons, collecting unemployment. I say if you are getting a govt. hand-out, you should be working on a road crew, trash pick-up or community service job. No work= no pay.:censored::censored:

The freaking Unions would have a knipshit fit and put an end to it real fast. You can't mess with those Union jobs!
I admit us older folks will have a more difficult time of it, but a friend who is about 65 just got a job at Best Buy as a greeter/ returns check-in person. Now he could have held out for a higher-paying job that matched his skills, but he found this job right away, and isn't sitting on a couch eating bon-bons, collecting unemployment. I say if you are getting a govt. hand-out, you should be working on a road crew, trash pick-up or community service job. No work= no pay.:censored::censored:

The freaking Unions would have a knipshit fit and put an end to it real fast. You can't mess with those Union jobs!

Not really. The trash along Kalifornia highways is already picked up by people serving community service. Cal Trans workers don't care.
I imagine painting out graffiti would be okay. That's what Paris Hilton is doing.
If Congress would grow a pair and add drug testing as a requirement to collect unemployment and/or welfare they could save at least $3. Probably a lot more.
If Congress would grow a pair and add drug testing as a requirement to collect unemployment and/or welfare they could save at least $3. Probably a lot more.

Try 3 TRILLION.....from what I seen in my go to industrial lucky...I found that part of my travels very interesting....and greatly educational, and FUN....:yahoo: kind of like a guys vacation trip, really.....

that trip on the Katrina thing for FEMA....that put me off quite a bit more than even the TV industry with house calls....even as shop manager they'd get some off the wall crap, so out in the field I'd go.....

dealing with the 'public' is not uplifting, shall we say.....

and the vast majority of my public dealings were in the DC area...all upper klass that time 150k/house income was about average....back in the 80's....

that Katrina thing was a refresher course in just what has happened to this country and the affects of the welfare state on once decent/proud neighborhoods.....totally from a lack of trying....much less CARING.....

Houston, near the I 10 and inner loop,..Pleasantville?, Cherry lane, mr first stop....strange juxtaposition of names....Mrs. Sweet on Cherry lane....I cracked up...and even commented to her,

bunch of amazing attitudes from ~'65 to '05.... the change was NOT to the positive.....personal one on one observations, and it's not positive for the liberal mania....all that tax/inflation/debt driven/borrowed money and for NO RESULTS.....

simply because the recipients don't WANT to make any effort whatSOEVER....

If Congress would grow a pair and add drug testing as a requirement to collect unemployment and/or welfare they could save at least $3. Probably a lot more.

Bingo! You nailed it. I bet 30% would fail a drug test, maybe 50% in the inner cities.
I admit us older folks will have a more difficult time of it, but a friend who is about 65 just got a job at Best Buy as a greeter/ returns check-in person. Now he could have held out for a higher-paying job that matched his skills, but he found this job right away, and isn't sitting on a couch eating bon-bons, collecting unemployment. I say if you are getting a govt. hand-out, you should be working on a road crew, trash pick-up or community service job. No work= no pay.:censored::censored:

The freaking Unions would have a knipshit fit and put an end to it real fast. You can't mess with those Union jobs!

I don't give a damn about the unions. Look what the teacher and auto unions have done to this country.
Now Obama and Congress seem to have agreed to an additional 13 months of unemployment pay. That totals to 3 YEARS of continuous unemployment checks. As an employer, if I see you have been unemployed for three years, you have no chance in hell working for my business. Geez.

It's real simple. He just bought about 2-3 million votes with borrowed money! Thats real old fashinoned politics, nothing new.

Wait till 2 years from now when he reminds these people how he fought for them back in 2010. By then they will probably be on some other form of government assistance anyway.

I'm sure I am not the only one who has seen help wanted signs in the windows of businesses in the last two years. People have to wake up. The US is a fundamentally different economy than it was 10 years ago. The kinds of jobs that were here 10 years ago are gone (to China and India).

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