Poser road race corvettes

I autocrossed my car back in 1980. Does that make my car a Vintage racing C3?

I just looked at that thread. You seem pleased with some guy that had a few yellowed picts of his vette sitting on a runway or abandon road in a club type setting and pronounced his car a true vintage racing corvette. I don't know if holy water is involved or not.

I don't know. Where do you draw the line?

Hey turtle, you talkin about me?? I never claimed to be a vintage racer. I was a redneck gear head who had one hell of a time pretending to be the baddest azz west of the of the Mississippi. BTW, RamJet just "bitch slapped" a snake on the way home form work today..... I was not impressed. :amused:

I autocrossed my car back in 1980. Does that make my car a Vintage racing C3?

I just looked at that thread. You seem pleased with some guy that had a few yellowed picts of his vette sitting on a runway or abandon road in a club type setting and pronounced his car a true vintage racing corvette. I don't know if holy water is involved or not.

I don't know. Where do you draw the line?

Hey turtle, you talkin about me?? I never claimed to be a vintage racer. I was a redneck gear head who had one hell of a time pretending to be the baddest azz west of the of the Mississippi. BTW, RamJet just "bitch slapped" a snake on the way home form work today..... I was not impressed. :amused:


Did Dep sprinkle holy water and the whole deal.? He's definitely gonna need Mother Mary and a few Saints to help him get his car ready to track.
Hey Wayne,when you get to bleeding those brakes and putting the wheel's back on,you better have some pic's, pic's of the assistant helping you :yahoo:
if she is not in there don't bother posting :p

J/K but the pics would be better with SWMBO in them :amused::beer:
You'll probably never believe it Kev, but I finally got the damn brakes bled today. I used a Motive pressure bleeder and before bleeding without the engine running, the pedal nearly went to the floor. After bleeding, the pedal's lucky if it moves even an inch. I can see myself with a cracked noggin the first time I drive this and introduce my foot to Mr. Hydroboost.

I got the exhaust hooked back up too and my bloody arms are killing me. I might put the wheels on tomorrow if I get the last bit of tidying up done and the valance re-fitted. I will, however, endeavour to take some pics so that at least it looks like Monster Lady's assisting me to re-fit the wheels :thumbs:

Sounds like you are close to getting it on the road :bounce:
and we will require some pics of the little lady working on the car,or be prepared to suffer the consequences :crap:

Can't wait for the pics :drink:
Getting real close mate. Once it is on the road though, I'll only drive it around for a few weeks before it comes off the road again for a new interior and body work.
In that few weeks, I'll do some "shake downs" on the front end and all my mods and get a front end alignment. Mainly though, my 14 year old son is desperate for me to take him to school in it one day - apparently, we have to follow the school bus out of the compound so all his mates can see him in it :thumbs:
Dunno about too many pics of Monster Lady working on it but I have a long standing promise of a nice "washing-the-car-in-a-bikini" photo shoot once the BOSS is mobile - lots of suds, not much clothing. Maybe I'll run a poll to see if she should be barefoot or in high heels :lol:
OH man, memories, I remember my kids wanting me to take them around in the '70 Lemans/GTO vert I had, to school and back, even in the vette if just one of them.....so their buddies could :amazed: times sure as hell have changed, I came from a one car family, dad took it to work and that was that, mom rode the bus and I walked....even for groceries....not like it was farms though, just the burbs....

Hell yeah! I wish my dad had a race car for me to drive :thumbs: or even the resourses to help modify what i have now,but he dosent so i just make do :smash:.

No matter what you have somebody will always have more,thats just the way it is,no need to knock them for it,just try to become better friends with them.
Hell yeah! I wish my dad had a race car for me to drive :thumbs: or even the resourses to help modify what i have now,but he dosent so i just make do :smash:.

No matter what you have somebody will always have more,thats just the way it is,no need to knock them for it,just try to become better friends with them.

Yep..I agree with that.
"Only cars my Dad ever drove (RIP) had 4-doors. Heck, that car has NO doors. So he wouldn't have it "

Other than the squad car, my dad drove us around in a rambler wagon when I was a kid.
"Only cars my Dad ever drove (RIP) had 4-doors. Heck, that car has NO doors. So he wouldn't have it "

Other than the squad car, my dad drove us around in a rambler wagon when I was a kid.

"Rambler", also known as a Kenosha Cadillac.

How about a South Bend Vette????


The Mechanics that used to work for Rambler called it the "Kenosha Rattler". :D

total and complete brain fart....and I been to So. Bend many a time, damnit....can't remember the freeking NAME of the car, but picture it in my mind clear as a bell, Rambler/AMC, the thing was fiberglass too....

saw the old factory plant it was made in....went to Canada where some affecianados brough the tooling and actually made some of them....

it somewhat looked like a Gremlin, vaguely....

When Rambler switched it's name from Rambler to AMC, many dealerships took a LOT of heat for not changing the signs immediately. It got so bad, AMC would fine a dealer for having "Rambler" on any sign, calender, toolbox, or even written on the walls of the crapper. AMC wanterd to completely divorce itself from any association with the name of the old company. Unfortunately, the car was STILL a Rambler, with all it's previous inherent problems.
Rebel Machine
