SBG's C3

I attached the sway bar to a bolt I welded on the lower tab. strange thing, the "stock" location is to bolt a tab to the upper ear, so why it'd bend the lower and not the upper is something for those who play with slide-rules - but to my brain, it should have been built this way originally by VBP
That's strange it bent the bottom. It doesn't look any thinner than the top. Must have been one hell of a hit.

3500 lb car, hard corner .... no hit. I built this car to drive hard and fast, and I accomplish that about every time I go out - so while I rarely break anything - bending something has happened because I'm always at the limit.

I wish I had time to get a spoiler on this thing before this weekend (and finish the splitter/front airdam.... ah well, it'll still be fun
Well, not a lot to update. I did a bunch of little things - now I'm only waiting for the slave cylinder.
Finished the rear

Also finished up inside.

I fixed the O2 sensor. In looking at my O2 sensor, I could see where it had rubbed on the frame. On a hunch, I bought a new one and installed it..... much joy was found.

I also have my helmet

Hopefully, I can drive it on Friday to rattle the rest out but it looks like it's going to happen (oh yeah, there's a jinx) on Sunday

If that's the case, Friday, after driving it, I'll get my trailer out (it's buried), unload it - then load all the stuff for Sunday's adventures (tools, jack, air compressor, portable shelter....)
That's strange it bent the bottom. It doesn't look any thinner than the top. Must have been one hell of a hit.

3500 lb car, hard corner .... no hit. I built this car to drive hard and fast, and I accomplish that about every time I go out - so while I rarely break anything - bending something has happened because I'm always at the limit.

I wish I had time to get a spoiler on this thing before this weekend (and finish the splitter/front airdam.... ah well, it'll still be fun

Regardless of the circumstances, I'm impressed :drink:
so somehow I managed not to order the parts from Speedway. I would have sworn I did. Fortunately, I noticed on Wednesday night.... and ordered the parts from Summit. I should have the bits I need today at 10:30 am

truck is ready (did that last night)
trailer is unburied

now to make the car shift again and I am ready for some Sunday hoonage.

if not.... I can go up with my 4x4 Search and Rescue group to a ghost town (up a newly opened road that is not open to the public)

happiness either way :thankyou:
it wouldn't be racing if the car was ready 24 hours before it's supposed to hit the track....

to save explanation, I'm a SDA - means I don't work on my cars on Sabbath.... I say that to give context to the next stuff

I was rushing to get done before sundown, and I think I did.... but I didn't get it off the lift, nor did I get to drive it.... nothing like suspense.....

I did get the parts today, however, at 10:30 (woohoo Summit!)

Last night, I worked on my truck and put the brake controller in - does my trailer have brakes? yes. Do the work? no. Does the brake controller work? why bother if the brakes don't work... but at least the controller is in the truck

so after removing the transmission again.... and putting the fork in (I did verify that I could get a fork in.... but as I didn't have this fork; I guessed I'd be able to get it in... no)

and putting it back together


I need to paint it... but it's in

and bleeding

it's in... tomorrow night, after sundown (4:30), I'll get back onto finding out whether I'm racing the C3 or the 325.... if the C3, then I need to unload, and hookup my trailer.... that will take some time since it has press-brake parts on it.
Time for peer review....

it works


so I had trouble getting disengagement, so I moved the pivot point in towards the transmission.... success.... or is it?

So I should just tell the story start to finish - starting last night. I knew there was a leak on the front, under the timing cover, but I thought I'd sealed it with good silicone... let it set overnight - that made it so I had to get up at 5:30 this morning to load the car. When I went to load the car, I backed into a landscape rock.... now I need to fix the quarter panel. Went to load the car, there's like 3 spots on my driveway where I can load the car. When I was wasn't it. So I moved the truck, moved another landscape rock with the trailer. Fortunately, all the lights were working (I'll come back to this). Loaded the car, ate breakfast, then took off to be at the track in time for the 8:30 driver's meeting.
As I'm driving down the road, I notice the front tires are turned - not good - on the car. I re-fasten down the car, but when I release the tension, the bumper hits the ramps..... sigh, why can't my nice cars stay nice cars?
I get to the track, spend several hours in class, then we go out to practice braking - what they meant was practice trail braking (my one criticism of the day, they knew what they were teaching, but somewhere in the last 300 years of teaching they forgot to define obscure terms....).
During the braking they notice oil stains on the pavement. At the time they noticed it, the entire track was shut down because someone forgot to tighten their drain plug and put oil completely around the 2.75 miles of the track.... needless to say, they were reluctant to let my car run. Fine, my wife was already going to meet us in time to watch the track portion - so I asked her to bring her BMW so that my friend and I would have something to drive. She got there about noon, and we got brief chances to practice in the parking lot.

The track day itself was pretty uneventful once it got started. 20 out, 40 in novices in their own group, and two other groups - intermediate and advance.
It was, however, raining, and given the oiling from before it was slick. Still, I had a lot of fun spanking Z4s, M3s, and an Evo. Now technically the Evo was faster. It passed me, then spun out. The later crashed, ending the day. So yes, he was faster, but a DNF makes that moot. It was funny to hear the other guys talking about not being able to keep up with a wagon - but it was all light-hearted banter. Of course, I'd have been remiss not to point out that I was spanking them in my wife's car. Which got me a kudo from the instructor - he got into the car, said "nice car" -I said "thanks, it's my wife" he tries to start the car, nothing happens - I point out that he needs to press the clutch in, he says in a voice filled with surprise and adoration "your wife wanted a manual in her wagon??!!!" "yep" I said proudly.

It's a good thing the track is so far away, otherwise, I'd be hooked.... anyway, back to the grind of putting the motorcycle together.

.... and the trailer lights - the marker lights didn't work coming home, so I turned on the Corvette marker lights.... I hate trailer lights.
Let's play "find the oil leak"

as I mentioned before, they were concerned (and I was concerned) about an oil leak from the Corvette. When I checked the car before putting it back on the trailer, it was dripping so fast that I'd even call it a drizzle from the area in front of the oil pan. I never touched the harmonic balancer seal, and it wasn't leaking before I did the oil pan.... but now, I have a drizzle... here's the pictures
what you see is silicone.... where's the oil?
there's a bit on the bottom of the starter

there's an antifreeze leak at the back of the head

nothing here
there is ONE spot of oil on the bottom of the timing cover

oh yeah, and some body work because of the rock in my driveway - you have no idea how close I am to calling Hagerty and having someone else fix this

and while we're talking bonus, my starter isn't working either (bad solenoid).... that and the antifreeze leaks.... ugh....
Note to self: Never put landscsaping rocks near my driveway or where I may drive. In fact, avoid putting them anywhere on the property.

Ouch, man. That's a rough deal. How much oil is left in the engine? If it's low, fill it back up and see if it will leak again (the level may be too low for a leak). Was the engine warm when you had the drizzle?
Note to self: Never put landscsaping rocks near my driveway or where I may drive. In fact, avoid putting them anywhere on the property.

Ouch, man. That's a rough deal. How much oil is left in the engine? If it's low, fill it back up and see if it will leak again (the level may be too low for a leak). Was the engine warm when you had the drizzle?

The reason the rock is there is because of people like this:


while it was a great day for my H3, I get really tired of fixing the culvert when they pull this routine and crush the pipe. The reason the rock was close to the driveway was because another truck had hit it.
:eek:h: Well I didn't expect that! I hope you didn't take what I wrote as criticism on you for having the stones. I literally made a mental note not for me not to have them, thought it was funny and added to the post.

Still, I never expected to see a truck stuck in a front yard due to a poorly executed U-turn.
:eek:h: Well I didn't expect that! I hope you didn't take what I wrote as criticism on you for having the stones. I literally made a mental note not for me not to have them, thought it was funny and added to the post.

Still, I never expected to see a truck stuck in a front yard due to a poorly executed U-turn.

it's all good :bounce:
it's not leaking oil..... However, I'm still very thankful I didn't have the car available. The rear spring was loose, and I still don't think my friend could handle this car on the track. He was having trouble with the BMW..... anyway, on to the starter
oh look, a crack (dammit)

stainless wire in the welder

grind and clean out the crack
carefully heat to 400 degrees then weld

et voila... finis

yum, tasty problem
So if it wasn't oil leaking, what did you see drizzling out? Nice catch with the crack.

it was oil, and I wasn't the only one who saw it .... this type of stuff happens to me with remarkable frequency - ah well, I'll drive it today and see if I can't make it leak :bounce:
Ah ok. I misunderstood your opening statement of how it wasn't leaking. You meant it wasn't leaking right now.

I understand your pain with random things failing. I just found my MC is leaking at the connection to the booster. I had it replaced in 2007 by a good shop with a quality unit. Not sure what's went wrong there...

Have some fun trying to get her to leak!