500 S & W 5 shot Revolver


Mar 24, 2008
Huntington Beach, California
Got to put a couple of rounds thru one Sunday. I have been firing 44 Mags since the early 80's. This thing was a BLAST. Recoil was about 3 times a 44 mag. Very good shooter. Second round I hit a 14 by 5 inch steel plate at 60 yards- open sights.

I'm getting the 460 S & W though.
Back in the day, when I could SEE a barn door, I was able to take a 8 3/8 .44 mag into a beer can at the backstop behind the 50 yd range...12 fugly holes....

I dearly miss that pistol, stolen in '76 from my apartment on the 11th floor of a high rise....it was factory bright nickel finish, and smooth rosewood grips....Smith, obviously....

that damn gun was SO much improved from factory checkered that irritated hell outta my hand...by the additon of the smooth grips...made it a pleasure to shoot....

controll be damned....

course I have a reasonable large hand....

Back in the day, when I could SEE a barn door, I was able to take a 8 3/8 .44 mag into a beer can at the backstop behind the 50 yd range...12 fugly holes....

I dearly miss that pistol, stolen in '76 from my apartment on the 11th floor of a high rise....it was factory bright nickel finish, and smooth rosewood grips....Smith, obviously....

that damn gun was SO much improved from factory checkered that irritated hell outta my hand...by the additon of the smooth grips...made it a pleasure to shoot....

controll be damned....

course I have a reasonable large hand....


I've got a Ruger Red Hawk and 50th Black Hawk in 44 mag.
But the real shooter is the S&W 626 Performance Center 44 mag. That thing is better than I can shoot.:huh2:

The Smith 500 is really something. But the 460 is what I want.
I'm kinda liking this one:

I'm with you TT - perfect weapon for home defence, especially with the little fin-stabilised grenades!! :nuts::nuts::nuts:

Do you think we'd get a discount if a few of us got together to buy some?

I think a big concern for our military has been that weapons and training have been largely geared toward WWII and Viet Nam types of fighting where you know who the enemy is because you see them coming at you in their tank with their uniform on. For a long time we have just focused on making bigger tanks that can shoot further.

Problem is that training doesn't help that much in the door-to-door fighting we have now in Iraq and Afghanistan and will likely have elsewhere in that region for a long time. A gun like this has got to be a whole lot better for our guys fighting in close quarters than an M16 or a .45 pistol. The guy is right about the "fear factor".

Hell, I bet the cops in downtown LA would like this thing.
A gun for people who can't hit anything with just ONE bullet.:tomato:
What was is that Samuel L. Jackson said in Jackie Brown? Something like - "when you absolutely, positively have to execute every last mother f*cker in the room"

They should print something like that on the box this shotty comes in :lol:

Yea, a whole new meaning to "securing" a room.:oh:

I think a big concern for our military has been that weapons and training have been largely geared toward WWII and Viet Nam types of fighting where you know who the enemy is because you see them coming at you in their tank with their uniform on. For a long time we have just focused on making bigger tanks that can shoot further.

Problem is that training doesn't help that much in the door-to-door fighting we have now in Iraq and Afghanistan and will likely have elsewhere in that region for a long time. A gun like this has got to be a whole lot better for our guys fighting in close quarters than an M16 or a .45 pistol. The guy is right about the "fear factor".

Hell, I bet the cops in downtown LA would like this thing.

Its funny though, the older weapons like the M14 have been scrounged out of storage for use in both Iraq and Afghanistan...the more powerful rifles are an asset with the longer ranges seen in deserts and mountainous areas, and against body armor (yes, terrorists have it too). Plus, 5.56s often bounce off of windshields, a real problem when you are trying to stop a truck bomber.

Actually, training is even more important in house to house fighting. I remember we didn't spend much time on it in basic, but I'm sure that has been corrected in recent years (I went through in 1990).