Pomona Drags 1965

Been there many times, however never during the drag races. Pomona has this large facility, called the LA County Fairgrounds where these drags & swap meets are regularly held. In the late 70’s early 80’s there were $99 flights from JFK to LAX. When starting my business I would attend the Pomona Swap Meet events regularly. Got to know the promoter George Cross well enough that he would take my business check for a swap space when I arrived at the vendor gate in my rental car. Corvette parts were plentiful, cheap & rust free & I would ship them back East. Usually stayed a week & visited all the Vette Shops in the LA basin: J&D, LA Vette Parts, TMCS West, R&J Corvette, Coast Corvette, Nero & others. That‘s when the business was fun & not overrun by Taiwan repro turds - or is it terds