Police Public Relations

Pretty interesting.
I wonder if the female officers have to call a male officer when dealing with a man.
more evidence we need to drill our own oil and keep our money here.

Right, these arab countries have too much money. I think for many years in the past oil was about $30 a barrel in today's prices. Even at that the arab countries have too much money...and when it when to $120 barrell!!!!! These arab countries finance islam terriorism. The US and other countries should start producing to drive the price of oil down..we can do it. Actually I think lower oil countries will really wreck these countries. The arab countries are extremely non-functional and have no real economy other than oil riches. Throttle down their oil revenue and they will be stressed...maybe enough to abandon financing Islam terriorism.. Low oil prices will devastate Russia. Their country is so corrupt and inefficient that a drop in oil below $80 a barrel will put their economy into a deficit.
3 of our subs with high powered MIRV warheads, non nuclear except for two of them....what is it 24 tubes per sub, each missile carries 5-6 MIRV war heads....so 125 minimum warheads per sub, how many power plants in all of islam?? hit the boilers, they blow up nicely under pressure.....

Electronic warfare, we take all the money in their accounts world wide....and pay off our national debt......when is the last time YOU wrote a check, it's been over 3 years for me....it's ALL plastic/electronic money these daze,.....

think it's any different for the .gov?? NO!!!!

SO islam has no money and no electric power, that translates into no WATER, where do they live?? deserts.....it's over in 6 weeks or less.....OH, I forgot the two small nuclear tips.....one each on them mosques in Saudi...messina, medina to especially irradiate the ground to never be used again......
