CF and Dr Rebuild Again


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2008
Torrance, Ca.USA
For what it's worth. Dr Rebuild came up into a CF thread again. There were some complaints and a lot of favorable comments...and then the thread was .CLOSED. I've had some very good experiences with them; i.e Geoff and his wife. I have a few NOS pieces on my 68 and also many of his repro parts on my 68 and 70. I don't think I could have gotten elsewhere. After having bought a lot of stuff from them, I needed a parts shipment and there was a bizarre problem with my credit card. His wife, knowing me, just shipped the parts anyhow!!! Not too many Corvette vendors will ship parts if your credit card doesn't work!!! called back the next day, and related a good card number. A concern is that Dr Rebuild has a lot of premium quality repro parts and when his inventory runs out, he will possibly not replenish the inventory. Same comment to make about Tom's Differential...when he runs out of his premium C3 rear end stuff, there'll be no replacements. Something to think about.
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Another guys is Gary Ramaidi sp? up in New England....differential man also he has mentioned retiring also....:eek:
CF rules require vendors to pay a monthly fee (I believe it starts at $300) and thats whether you sell anything or not, the posting of links to NON supporting (aka: non paying) vendors is also against the rules, the Doc obviously is a vendor but Gary who does a meticulous job rebuilding diffs, t-arms and steering boxes began suggesting guys ask their rear end rebuilders if they did certain things, the rebuilders who are also big catalog vendors complained to CF and they gave Gary the choice of paying or not posting, the new CF guys who don`t know about Gary and don`t know where to read the "papers" he wrote don`t really know what they are missing. Mike Dwyer/traccdog2 who is also a fine rebuilder is still at CF helping those in need.
RVR, what ever happened between Mike Dwyer and that kid up in Canada who finally managed to get the body work done...Jeremy??

I know there was a blow up of some kind, but the thread got sanitized before I picked up on it.....any clues??

Hey Gene
Who said I'm retiring? I would love to but our state likes to tax everyone to death.

BTW, the way I heard it the kid in Canada got a rebuilt engine full of sand, who wouldn't be PO'd.
BTW, the way I heard it the kid in Canada got a rebuilt engine full of sand, who wouldn't be PO'd.
To be precise, Jeremy cheaped out the handling fee and expected Mike to do all the dirty job for him for free.
So instead an being delivered directly to the shipping dock the engine sat outside for a while.
Basically he got the care on the engine he paid for.
I could go for pages on how he many time he tried to use me as cheap labor and free part provider, without thanking me a single time.
I see the sand in the engine as his ultimate comeupance.
Hey Gene
Who said I'm retiring? I would love to but our state likes to tax everyone to death.

BTW, the way I heard it the kid in Canada got a rebuilt engine full of sand, who wouldn't be PO'd.

HEY GARY!!! I got one of your T shirts.....I maybe have you confused with another for your state taxes....

try FLORIDA, and WE don't even have to shovel snow.....I from the Wash DC region, Maryland moved her in '97 on account of arthritis and 4' of now in my last northern driveway.....age 70 now....tracing out some leak in my '72 hotrod.....

BTW, the way I heard it the kid in Canada got a rebuilt engine full of sand, who wouldn't be PO'd.
To be precise, Jeremy cheaped out the handling fee and expected Mike to do all the dirty job for him for free.
So instead an being delivered directly to the shipping dock the engine sat outside for a while.
Basically he got the care on the engine he paid for.
I could go for pages on how he many time he tried to use me as cheap labor and free part provider, without thanking me a single time.
I see the sand in the engine as his ultimate comeupance.

JEEBUS guys, fill me IN, I not clicked on that thread every day over the years.....WTF?? he hit on you for what?? you above Cleveland/Detroit?? in Ontario..?? and he out west in BFE?? sorry if I got the names rong...

SAND IN the engine?? HOW?? makes no sense.....

BTW, the way I heard it the kid in Canada got a rebuilt engine full of sand, who wouldn't be PO'd.
To be precise, Jeremy cheaped out the handling fee and expected Mike to do all the dirty job for him for free.
So instead an being delivered directly to the shipping dock the engine sat outside for a while.
Basically he got the care on the engine he paid for.
I could go for pages on how he many time he tried to use me as cheap labor and free part provider, without thanking me a single time.
I see the sand in the engine as his ultimate comeupance.

JEEBUS guys, fill me IN, I not clicked on that thread every day over the years.....WTF?? he hit on you for what?? you above Cleveland/Detroit?? in Ontario..?? and he out west in BFE?? sorry if I got the names rong...

SAND IN the engine?? HOW?? makes no sense.....

Happy reading.

Rookies First restoration Attempt. . .
BTW, the way I heard it the kid in Canada got a rebuilt engine full of sand, who wouldn't be PO'd.
To be precise, Jeremy cheaped out the handling fee and expected Mike to do all the dirty job for him for free.
So instead an being delivered directly to the shipping dock the engine sat outside for a while.
Basically he got the care on the engine he paid for.
I could go for pages on how he many time he tried to use me as cheap labor and free part provider, without thanking me a single time.
I see the sand in the engine as his ultimate comeupance.

JEEBUS guys, fill me IN, I not clicked on that thread every day over the years.....WTF?? he hit on you for what?? you above Cleveland/Detroit?? in Ontario..?? and he out west in BFE?? sorry if I got the names rong...

SAND IN the engine?? HOW?? makes no sense.....

Happy reading.

Rookies First restoration Attempt. . .

How about I settle for Cliffs notes?? I could not tell from way back when the blow up happened, went back and make no sense of it.....tad much to read 10000000000 pages of whatever to figger it out....

SAND in the engine?? WTF?? just looking for simple base line answers....

Mike has a great rep on the net, don't understand what happened......

I think that only those two know what really happened, as far as I can say I have never heard/read Mike's side of the story.... Jeremy was complaining about a dirty engine but that just doesn't fit Mike's reputation... something went south..... too bad when things like this happen...

On CF guys like Jeremy can post pretty much whatever they want, if guys like Mike respond they get their hands slapped under their CF paying vendor protection program.... so what you read there is pretty much just one side of the story...

There was a thread here at VM about it but it did not end very well..... here's 113 pages of that rebuild (and the last few pages are drama) ....'s

again, too bad it ended like this....