NCRS Winter Regional at Lakeland Fl.


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
St. Charles, Missouri
Made it down here to Florida for the winter months. Wondering if any of the Vettmod crew plan on attending next weekend (Jan 23-24).......that is if they will let us in. :lol:

I dunno, if it's cold/rain like I guess it depends on which way the wind blows....:gurney:
Least original?

That is a Class, isn't it?
Or is it "Better than original" with points starting at 100
I probably won't make it, but I know they'd let me in. I have a NCRS sticker on my car.......

So do I, Not Correctly Restored Stingray.....Last year? I went with a friend to the Kissemmee show wore my NCRS sweatshirt.....

I probably won't make it, but I know they'd let me in. I have a NCRS sticker on my car.......

So do I, Not Correctly Restored Stingray.....Last year? I went with a friend to the Kissemmee show wore my NCRS sweatshirt.....


Well did you have a problem getting in after being recognized as a trouble maker????:rofl::rofl:

Nah, stuck a strip of painting tape on each side, with my handle on recognized once.....:clap:
Driving up from Venice for the day, Saturday.

Need set a time to meet.....Dave and I can probably be there by ten, anyway....trick is, he still flips around for work, so he is supposed to be in town by Sat. but, well as we all know how THAT we be in touch this week, and then like I say, depends on which way the wind I mean .....:clobbered: