Mod a BBQ Grill for Improved Temperature Control


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
I use my gas grill year round even though I live in Ohio. I have noticed that the temperature gauge on the lid shows that it is 100-150 degrees cooler in cold weather (opposed to warm). The grill I have is pretty well insulated with cast iron/stainless steel construction. I have been thinking that the temperature gauge reads lower temps because it is mounted in the cover and exposed to cold temps.

I recently worked on the design of some super high temp test equipment (2700F). This equipment is fueled with propane, also located in Ohio. As a result of this project, I became aware of the vapor pressure of propane at different temperatures. Duh! I finally realized that the grill actually is running at a lower temperature/pressure.

I replaced the cheap regulator that was included with the grill with a two stage regulator (used on RV's). Very happy with the results. I can't believe I didn't realize this (vapor pressure) was the problem.
We cook on the propane stove, not even had a BBQ for years now, wife don't care for them....funny story though....

Wife's daughter leaning over the counter says she smell propane, all I smell is like old kitchen several trips in/out from between the cabinets, and no clue....the BBQ cyl/regulator is outside so open the sink window and wife is outside on the valve just in case.....I take the propane plumbing torch and go all over the lines, in the house, in the wash room near the underground chase/plastic pipe the 3/8 copper runs through, next is down around the range, broiler, oven cook top, nothing, go near the copper pipe and an explosion, huge ball of fire about a foot in diameter, flames roiling out from under the cabinet next to the chase/copper all about the height of the counter top, and over in about 4-5 seconds....wife obviously turns off the gas as it's burning outta the conduit pipe around the copper.....seems somehow we flexed the pipe inside the damn conduit, and so stressed it enough to leak a tad.....

new pipe and all good now, totally re routed it along the cab side, and looped up/over behind the range.....:p:yahoo::goodnight:
Uhhh.. Gene. :bonkers:

I think that is why they say use a soap solution or "sniffer."
Man - you lead a charmed life. Hang in there! :beer:

Cheers - Jim
Uhhh.. Gene. :bonkers:

I think that is why they say use a soap solution or "sniffer."
Man - you lead a charmed life. Hang in there! :beer:

Cheers - Jim

Sniffer was our noses....3 of us going ape shit sniffing in all positions, but down near the floor it smelled like old cooking grease....yet the stove/region was clean...go figger....and the break was somehow about 4" down from the opening, not visible......but thankfully she got it cut off before the gray plastic conduit melted that would have been a mess, under the concrete and tile floor....:flash::bomb:

Another reason to grill with charcoal. :noworry:


If you're not grilling with charcoal you're just cooking outdoors.
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