Anyone from OZ who can help?


Der Maulwurf
Mar 5, 2008
Found a must have on but guy won't ship intl. Can anyone help?

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Marck, I dunno about the timing, but about a month ago I went to lunch with Neel who is/was? a BP employee, who married Tink in Tejas (Texas) Wendy's handle on CF......they talking of they both retired, near my age, and sold her house in Tejas, and so they moving to Australia

As recall, the move was coming up fairly quickly.....her posts are mainly in the PRC section, maybe OT......and of course them being BP workers, the oil spill in the Gulf was a HOT topic for a while, and basically I on their/company side.......

for all I know they already back in I know, drop her a PM....or I will if you are signed off over there.....

where is he in Australia ? im in Perth.

SO IS HE!!! talk about Co Winky Dink......:crylol:

how odd that that BE, whole damn continent to mess with??? But the trick is, his wife is an American citizen and I have NO clue about his ability to ship stuff to TT in Netherlands.....

but I don't have his email or yours for that matter, on the other forum I sent a friend request, and so hopefully you two can get emails back/forth....and get stuff if I can be a middle man, no sweat, only takes a few minits....

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Well I,ve bought stuff from TT so I know he is OK.

Really depends on where the seller is first up.
He's in dandenong victoria. Eagle auto parts or something to that extent

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That's on the east coast, I was there a couple of months ago but that's obviously no good to you.

Only thing I can suggest is get him to mail it to me and I forward it to you, but if its a big thing it could get expensive for postage across the nullabor.
It's a pair of cast alu valve covers, they weigh nothing

Can you PM me your addy? Don't think I have it anymore
It's a pair of cast alu valve covers, they weigh nothing

I have a couple of them, but been painted....they are 4 on the flange for SBC ancient heads.....the cast ribbed type.....were a silver color rough paint texture....decades ago.....setting on the shelf....I maybe have to look for the filler cap....yours for the addy, no sweat.....

you scratched a major problem for me some years
These are not your average covers, they are GM Performamance parts tall cast with pontiac logo, discontinued for ages now and this is the only set I can find (bhave been looking for well over a year)

They're for the 396 motor in my 82 Trans Am

imagine with black covers and gold colored pontiac script :)


Only received ONE, already rang them and they acknowledged you ordered two and he will ring me back in a half hour.

It looks good , nice and flat on the seal face.

Stand by I guess. :suspicious:
OK , I just got a call, they found your other one and it will be in the post to me tomorrow(Wednesday 25th) .The first one took 8 days to get here so presumably so will this . Im going off to work tomorrow so I will post it when I get back home.

need an address to send to as well
I'm not in a hurry, thanks for calling them :) I appreciate it a lot. Those covers should be brand new. PMed you the address
Got the PM , im away for 3 weeks this time for work so I will get them to you when I get back.
I put both in one box and its on its way today, I sent it airmail so you should get it in ABOUT 10 days or so.