1958 MGA Coupe

pushing ahead ...

install compression fitting and gas line to MGB carburetors


install license plate and bracketry, next wire the rear lights







lets wrap up the electric

fish wires through




there is grommet on the loom where it goes through the body

use a gasket punch to make the holes


use the power supply to make sure the wires are hooked up correctly

parking lights


brake lights

and done
well todays the day!!!!!!

added gas, disconnect the battery and put a power supply on the terminals and tested the electrical and it every thing works. the front left parking light has the terminal studs reversed so the parking light is bright. i think i just have to take the bulb out and spin the brown terminal base plate around. the wires are connected properly.

click on the photo for the video


drove around for 20 minutes. i dont have door latches so the doors are just bungie corded closed on the interior door pulls
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Awesome to see it moving under its own power! What an amazing ride getting to this point :-)

the muffler is a straight pipe.....i guess the baffling fell apart along time age so its literally a straight pipe running through it. i will put that on the list to look at.

the speedometer cable is in and to get it to route the way I like it has some extra cable up by the brake master cylinder,

the parking light was as i expected, the brown base in side the light had to be coaxed out and rotated 180*...no biggie.



and i set the toe to 0 . and if your wondering in the fight of bumper extensions vs a forehead the bumper extensions win.....

and my son and i went for a ride

tonight lets move the cutoff switch from the drivable chassis position to the final resting spot



test the location


view from the bottom this is the chassis ground i am switching


final look

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another 20 minutes and 4 miles, its tough breaking in a car when you live in an urban area.....so far 1 hour and 14 miles.

so we have the goldilocks seats......one just right for me


and then the one for Junior who is 5 10' to 5'11, the one from the bomber seat with half the padding removed



and then one for little Joe 6' 3"+, just 2" of foam between the rails


we are still not sure his feet can fit between the pedals...
my birthday was this week and my family gave me what i always wanted.....new moto lita 15" wheel



actually not a bad design the set screws stop the steering nut from moving






i cant wait to drive it...
I'll bet that car gets parked as far out in the parking lots (away from other cars) as possible. Lots of effort there.
funny you mention that, thats one of the easy ways to use the car is to be the runner for quick trips to the grocery store. rush hour traffic sucks so bad in DC driving it to work would be miserable
funny you mention that, thats one of the easy ways to use the car is to be the runner for quick trips to the grocery store. rush hour traffic sucks so bad in DC driving it to work would be miserable

Great progress Bob!!! Looking fantastic. Back in he late 70's, I commuted from Waldorf, MD to Merrifield, Va Monday thru Saturday. An hour in the morning, as ,much as 2 hours getting home at night. I can't imagine what it would be like today!!! NO FUN would be an understatement!!

Love following along with your build. Wish I could get back to mine!

funny you mention that, thats one of the easy ways to use the car is to be the runner for quick trips to the grocery store. rush hour traffic sucks so bad in DC driving it to work would be miserable

Great progress Bob!!! Looking fantastic. Back in he late 70's, I commuted from Waldorf, MD to Merrifield, Va Monday thru Saturday. An hour in the morning, as ,much as 2 hours getting home at night. I can't imagine what it would be like today!!! NO FUN would be an understatement!!

Love following along with your build. Wish I could get back to mine!


oh that commute would be pure hell now .....
the worst part would be the people and their phone cameras. They think when you're not moving fast that they have plenty of time to take your car's picture - all while swerving at you because they're not paying attention that silly thing we call "driving"
well i did something i don't usually do, i bought a car that doesn't need any work from a local guy. we had a mutual friend. its really nice and i am kind of looking forward to just polishing it for a change...

1953 mg td





Very nice! Enjoyment of a car can come in many forms, whether it is just driving with the occasional cleaning and maintenance, or the other extreme as with your MGA. I for one will miss the updates now that the MGA project is drawing to a close, but you have earned a long respite and need to go out and drive. :-)
yeah the car with those 30 style headlight buckets just catches my imagination and the engineering is so simple. its almost like you are a steward of automotive history. I do miss the restoration aspects that went along with the MGA but it also was a shit load of work and time.