Message to TT & others


Well-known member
May 13, 2008
Here is a private message that I was sent this morning. It started with a comment from Norval calling me and V-Twin jerks. I was just letting Norval know that he shouldn't be attacking TT for unwarranted reasons. Here is a copy of my message. I will probably be banned as well after this, but this is uncalled for.

Norval vs V-Twin and Twin Turbo

I saw your post in Blackrat's thread about engine vibration. I don't know for sure, since no one can know for sure, but it's quietly believed that V-Twin IS Twin Turbo. It's even suspected he has two or three other member names here simply because of IP addresses and a similar late night pattern for overseas members. Norval suspects this as well, as do the mods, and quite a few members over at DC where Twin Turbo and his friends were all banned from as well. I don't know for sure, but I was just letting you know that there si more going on that most people see.

That's funny, because me and V-twin send messages back and forth all the time, and I also talk to twin-turbo quite a bit. I can assure you they are not the same guy. If norval can't take the heat, then he should get out of the sandbox - he's a pussy.
That's funny, because me and V-twin send messages back and forth all the time, and I also talk to twin-turbo quite a bit. I can assure you they are not the same guy. If norval can't take the heat, then he should get out of the sandbox - he's a pussy.

I'm not going to bash him, unless he comes at me again. We are all here to help each other, kinda like a big happy family. Hell, even families have fueds. You have to let go, it's not worth carrying your feelings on your shoulder. Sooner or later it will catch up with you.
Who sent you that?

Xander has had an account on CF for over 8 years. Do they really think that when I signed up back in 1999 or so I made a second account, only to let it be semi dormant and then to use whenever I decided not to stick around anymore?
That's funny, because me and V-twin send messages back and forth all the time, and I also talk to twin-turbo quite a bit. I can assure you they are not the same guy. If norval can't take the heat, then he should get out of the sandbox - he's a pussy.

I'm not going to bash him, unless he comes at me again. We are all here to help each other, kinda like a big happy family. Hell, even families have fueds. You have to let go, it's not worth carrying your feelings on your shoulder. Sooner or later it will catch up with you.

I read a post about him bashing a friend of mine a while back. That really pissed me off. I'm glad he's going back to changing horse shoes.
He's just a sad grumpy old guy. I never did anything to him apart from disagreeing with his flawed alignment methods. I wasn't the only one to disagree. That's about the only thing of him I openly disagreed with. You should have seen what he posted in my threads about stuff I developed/fabricated for my car. He had comments about stuff not being right or plain wrong in relation to my steering setup, my roll cage, the seats and I can't even remember how many times he said it looked too uncomfortable.

The most uncomfortable thing I had the displeasure of ever riding was a freaking horse.

As for being banned over @ DC, NORVAL has banned over @ DC for ages along with GKull, but he made a new account called strider and posted there again. How sad!!!!!
The "rumor" that V-Twin and TT are the same person has been floating around on both CF and DC for a while. I guess they never looked at that picture of the two brothers that TT had frequently posted. Maybe Norval is suffering withdrawls from having to sell his Vette...or maybe he fell off one of his horses and landed on his noggin...I dunno. ;)
Been obvious to me for quite a while that Marck and Xander are brothers...but not untill very recently did I realize they were twins....I assumed the TT meant about his CAR...being twin turbo and all.....but things are not always as they seem.....

so it seems.....

Guess it was a wise decision not to post in Blackrat's thread.... :lol:

I did sent him a few PMs and shared my experience with the TKO install....
Been obvious to me for quite a while that Marck and Xander are brothers...but not untill very recently did I realize they were twins....I assumed the TT meant about his CAR...being twin turbo and all.....but things are not always as they seem.....

so it seems.....


There is two TTs, or is it there are two twin turbos, being twins and all, or is it there is one of each and then there would be two, or is it..............oh never mind.:amused:
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