My grammar and spelling and typing suck


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Just putting that out there

If it wasn't for spellcheck you wouldn't be able to read my posts

I think it's mostly my typing, I always skip over words or put the wrong word in.
Olny the frist and lsat ltetr in a wrod msut be crorcet and evryebdoy can raed it jsut fnie. Sepilnlg is not vrey ipomrtant.
For me, its written/typed as the words come to mind...hense the running on dots/ I think to add another thought...

I assumed it wuz fairly normal, and never gave a second thought about it, but got a bunch of shit over it over at CF in the OT and PRC sections...eff em....

I think it was Guru who named the writing style....'stream of consciousness" or something like that.....glad it got a name anyway.....


so if someone can't reed my sin tax....that just 2 dam bad.....


OH and as if you all can't notice, I LOVE to butcher hell outta the englush land U age just for shits and giggles.....
Personally I think spelling is important..........but descent grammar is more important.

It takes me forever (typically) to type a response to someone .... mainly
to make sure I didn't leave any words out and I'm conveying the idea properly.

One missed word can make a world of difference in what your trying to say.

Example: Sanding the clear with P40 grit prior to buffing does work.......oops left out "NOT".
Next thing you know you could get hammered for giving bad advice. :smash:

To many times I have gotten PMs and had to read them a dozen times before I
realized just what it was the person is trying to ask.
That's usually when I say send some pics as well and I'll figure it out.

Yellow73SB, I agree with you ....... all this typing does suck .... but it is a skill
that is good to have and that's why I make myself do it. :thumbs:
In High School English was may weakest subject.
For me, its written/typed as the words come to mind...hense the running on dots/ I think to add another thought...

I assumed it wuz fairly normal, and never gave a second thought about it, but got a bunch of shit over it over at CF in the OT and PRC sections...eff em....

I think it was Guru who named the writing style....'stream of consciousness" or something like that.....glad it got a name anyway.....


so if someone can't reed my sin tax....that just 2 dam bad.....


OH and as if you all can't notice, I LOVE to butcher hell outta the englush land U age just for shits and giggles.....

There's a TAX on SIN????? Damn I'm in big trouble.:twitch:
Personally I think spelling is important..........but descent grammar is more important.

It takes me forever (typically) to type a response to someone .... mainly
to make sure I didn't leave any words out and I'm conveying the idea properly.

One missed word can make a world of difference in what your trying to say.

Example: Sanding the clear with P40 grit prior to buffing does work.......oops left out "NOT".
Next thing you know you could get hammered for giving bad advice. :smash:

To many times I have gotten PMs and had to read them a dozen times before I
realized just what it was the person is trying to ask.
That's usually when I say send some pics as well and I'll figure it out.

Yellow73SB, I agree with you ....... all this typing does suck .... but it is a skill
that is good to have and that's why I make myself do it. :thumbs:
In High School English was may weakest subject.

Luckily I try not to give advice to people, just in case

I think it's mainly my typing. I'm in English Honors :lol:

Sometimes I re-read my posts and I wonder WTF I'm trying to say :lol:
You should see my posts sometimes. I always get characters typed in the wrong order (like soemthing or rpobably) ...I don't know why, it just happens and a lot of times I am too lazy to correct it or miss it completely :D

Sometimes it's worse even, I'll read my own message and say "WTF does it say there" LOL
Tehy say as lnog as you get the fsirt and lsat lteter crroect, you can sltil raed it. I am not ralley srue, but taht's waht tehy say.
This forum is supposed to be like buddys BSing in a garage... right? In which case no one would recall what someone said five minutes ago. The only problem is, here it is recorded. For me at least, it makes me a bit uncomfortable to be recorded, doesn't matter if it is a video tape, audio recoding or I'm writing. I'm trying to get over it though.

By the way I changed three words I was going to use in this post reply because I couldn't spell them and I don't know how to work the spell check on this with an Apple mouse.
Neat little trick....

Generally I am a good speller and not too bad with grammar. I have the google toolbar. So if I run into a word that I think is spelled wrong, I'll go to the toolbar and type it in the search function until the correct spelling comes up.
I agree with SMYDA- spelling and grammar are important. Even more so when you're posting something that could be read by many people. Everyone mis-spells a word now and then, (and some on purpose), but to continually mis-spell the same words over and over? And using grammar correctly is important too- especially when responding to a question.

For a good example, get with a group of guys that use the "F" word 3 times a second. I lose any interest in what they're trying to say pretty fast. Vocabulary counts too.

Typing is a whole different game- my fingers go slower than my coconut so I can't type worth a hoot. But I go back and visually spell check and re-read, then fix the boo-boos I see.