Anthony's 53 Chevrolet truck

I suppose we should talk about this
engine fits awesome in the Art Morrison frame

I'm not sure how we ended up with a 6L80e - I know I spec'd a 4L80e, but somehow we got the 6 speed.
and that brings up an issue

it's taller
top is in the same spot as the 4

I'm not a fan of hanging the pan that low. Initially, Anthony wants basic stock height - so it won't be a huge deal but he's a kid.... lower/faster will be his mantra and "can I buy transmission oil pans in bulk"

At this moment, we're talking to Art Morrison but so far I don't know. But with that said, I know people watch this stuff and this is one of those things that's good to know.... so now you know.
I suspect we'll move the motor up but maybe those fancy frame shops have a magic potion which can shrink the trans....
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Dry Sump?
Pay now - or later... Just sayin'.

Cheers - Jim
for a transmission?

time to install the tank

a couple braces and just needs some holes

and installed and restacked together

in addition to the tank install, we stripped the frame in anticipation of paint. Anthony and his mom spent a couple hours degreasing, cleaning, then scotch-briting

next up, powder coated parts. Also waiting on a conclusion to the cross member issue....
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a six speed would be awesome if it fits, i think thats the sweet spot with gears for a powerful engine
it will fit, but there are some complications such as the bench seat for this truck is already done.... thus if I move the engine/trans up 3 or 4 inches, it may interfere with the seat.
time for bucket seats.....i know how you think
if it were my truck, yes. But he's already had a custom bench seat built.
I do have a bit of a followup - Art Morrison is sending me another cross member that help with clearance, also I've been told that there is a shallower pan available. Not ideal, but maybe with all of those and some creative floor work? As far as it goes, Anthony doesn't want a ground scraping truck, so he would be fine with just the 2 mods.... that said, good is a nice start.
onward, fitting the truck to Anthony
answered a bunch of questions today, most important of "does he fit"


how many teenagers does it take to vacuum?

steering column won't require tons of bracket making

then onto the major project today

I love KBS coating, but their estimation for 'a frame' is about 50% low. it's covered by not with 2 coats

then flipped up on its side to get the bottom

next up with this is drying but then we start reassembly for real

one thing cool - and didn't get a picture, I can raise the trans at least 2" with only needing to make a longer tunnel...which isn't terrible since i have to do patches in that area


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This for ADMIN:
I get the following in this thread:
BUT, I get the images in my email Inbox alerting me of the update to the thread. Is this at my end, or? Thanks.

Cheers - Jim
and time for reassembly
table full of parts

front suspension

rear suspension

and up

now the fun of getting the parts that were missing.... It's amazing how well they did (Art Morrison) but they weren't perfect.... we're missing the master cylinder

there may be a wrinkle, though, everyone is moving. I'm headed to Sandpoint, Anthony is headed to Atlanta Georgia... all very soon. Thus, not sure how much more work is going to get done. I may reassemble enough to send it east.... there's a shop there that is going to pick up and run with it....
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Sorry about the red X pictures. I have reported this to Admin several times but have not received ANY response. I will see if I can fix this later today

Fixed (temporarily). I've been trying to get the Admin to look at this for more than a week. Messaging, email you name it. As of this morning I have nothing.

I gave this site away for nothing other than the promise it would be operational. Big mistake.
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Don't know - but on another forum, a member was having problems with his Samsung S24 phone following an upgrade.
Any upgrades in the history? These were all working before. Have you tried loading to an album here on the site?
Extra step-but might clear the problem. Hope ADMIN gets to it.

Cheers - Jim
Don't know - but on another forum, a member was having problems with his Samsung S24 phone following an upgrade.
Any upgrades in the history? These were all working before. Have you tried loading to an album here on the site?
Extra step-but might clear the problem. Hope ADMIN gets to it.

Cheers - Jim
I don't use my cell phone for most pictures.... just a spud camera
well, time to make it move

always easier to use the wheel to set the studs

wrong size front wheels... so there was some creative spacing done so it'll roll

but there we go...

the discussion is a meet up and drive Route 66 when this is done. Thinking the Buick Wagon would be the perfect compliment.... so that's what's going into the garage at the house in Sandpoint
