Grumpy from CF guess there will be far fewer members soon....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
will guarantee the next person who circumvents the forum censor in violation of the rules, will be permabanned..

Inappropriate language

The Forum’s software is set up to block certain words and terms we consider to be inappropriate for use on the site. Typically, the words and terms included are those that are crude, vulgar and/or involve racial epithets.

That does not mean the software will block all inappropriate words or phrases. Setting it up to do so would be an exercise in futility because we wouldn’t be able to identify everything that should be included or the exceptions when the term or phrase would be acceptable in a particular context.

Altering the spelling of words/terms to bypass the blocking feature of the software is in conflict with Forum rules. Moderators try to show some tolerance if the word/term is altered enough so as not to be blatant. As a guideline, moderators often will ignore an otherwise inappropriate word or term so long as at least two letters of the word/term have been omitted or changed to symbols.

They cannot ignore words/terms (even with altered spellings) that are used to convey hostility toward other Forum members.

It's also inappropriate, of course, to introduce inappropriate language to the Forum via images or links.

The judgment of moderators will be final in such issues because the moderators are charged with using their best judgment in maintaining a level of civility that ensures the Forum is a fun and friendly place for Corvette enthusiasts to hang around.

try me if you think I'm kidding
Hey fukc you

BANNED :censored:

I agree that the literal interpretation will eventually shut down the entire OT sector of the forum, and really weaken the whole thing even more.....PC and too many lawyers are killing the joint, no question.....

shame, really, not what the net was supposed to be about....

Oh well what the hell,i was perma banned a week ago anyway,and i never said one darn thing,was just cruising the forum and reading :bonkers:
Maybe they changed it a little or added some, but I'm sure that "inappropriate language" rule has been there for years....
It's been there forever, however I have never seen someone getting axed over typing shiat, sh!t, fawk and what not.
It's been there forever, however I have never seen someone getting axed over typing shiat, sh!t, fawk and what not.

Yeh, I hear you, but so why the post then, up top in all sections, and sticky....

PC rules Uber Alles.....sig heil mother forkers.....

:bomb:hell, it wouldn't surprise ME, if they came here and spotted my opiinions of them and banned me on account of it.....KEV, think that maybe a case for you?? or over at DC you said something.....freeking commies are everywhere these daze....
"Altering the spelling of words/terms to bypass the blocking feature of the software is in conflict with Forum rules."

pewter99 does this all the time.
Nah,I was banned for logging in with a diff screen name :suicide: couple of weeks ago during a storm my sattelite went out for my internet so i put my Sprint wireless card in my lap top and was cruising the forums,including CF,never wrote anything was just reading.But since my card has a diff user name i was banned :hunter: thats just the craziest damm thing i have ever herd of.
Nah,I was banned for logging in with a diff screen name :suicide: couple of weeks ago during a storm my sattelite went out for my internet so i put my Sprint wireless card in my lap top and was cruising the forums,including CF,never wrote anything was just reading.But since my card has a diff user name i was banned :hunter: thats just the craziest damm thing i have ever herd of.

Hell, even I have psycho Pat's site on the bottom of my hit list...and browse in having cleared my whatevers'.....and nothing happened.....


Nah,I was banned for logging in with a diff screen name :suicide: couple of weeks ago during a storm my sattelite went out for my internet so i put my Sprint wireless card in my lap top and was cruising the forums,including CF,never wrote anything was just reading.But since my card has a diff user name i was banned :hunter: thats just the craziest damm thing i have ever herd of.

Hell, even I have psycho Pat's site on the bottom of my hit list...and browse in having cleared my whatevers'.....and nothing happened.....



Beats the chit out of me man :noworry: maybe DB is a mod now and is getting rid of anybody that does not worship him :crylol:
This gal wuz put on "permaban" and showed up at a CF Corvette picnic with this:


We posted it in CF to :stirpot:
It's been there forever, however I have never seen someone getting axed over typing shiat, sh!t, fawk and what not.

Then you must not have known me very well. I was scruing around bypassing the censor back in the days when we were "rated" at CF. I wanted to see how long it would take to get nailed. I used all kinds of phonetic spellings for the nasty words, and in 2 days I had a 2 week suspension. Those rules have been up there a VERY long time. They used to be less stringent in the OT section. But when CF got bought out they seem to have cracked down more on what goes on in OT and everywhere else. Oh well....things change :amused:
You must have been looking for trouble (again), Gene always types like that, I don't think he ever got nailed.
You must have been looking for trouble (again), Gene always types like that, I don't think he ever got nailed.

I was :). There was another guy that got nailed for the same thing and I was "testing the waters". I kinda like those old-style ratings they used to have. You knew who was a badass or whacko and who was a goody two shoes. I was in the whacko catagory. :thumbs:
You must have been looking for trouble (again), Gene always types like that, I don't think he ever got nailed.

I was :). There was another guy that got nailed for the same thing and I was "testing the waters". I kinda like those old-style ratings they used to have. You knew who was a badass or whacko and who was a goody two shoes. I was in the whacko catagory. :thumbs:

and now your a goody two shoes?? what is it your growing out there in the middle of nowhere? and can I have some?
You must have been looking for trouble (again), Gene always types like that, I don't think he ever got nailed.

I was :). There was another guy that got nailed for the same thing and I was "testing the waters". I kinda like those old-style ratings they used to have. You knew who was a badass or whacko and who was a goody two shoes. I was in the whacko catagory. :thumbs:

and now your a goody two shoes?? what is it your growing out there in the middle of nowhere? and can I have some?

I suppose they so used to me they don't notice....I dunno...

wonder what my rating was....maybe I don't want to know....:hi:

I did get nailed for taking some liberal over the coals once or twice some years I back off and keep it impersonal....been fine...

everyone there bitches about my typing .....I reed fyne type english just like wassa problems???

:p:beer:edit....Ya Dep you need add more vinegar to your reesoupe....