Well... in that little town you're not doing much.... do you have a car over there ? drive to Cochem, that's just south of you:


Then go to Burg Eltz, that Burg was built in avalley so nobody could find it and it was never destroyed:

.Inside the Burg:

Here's a map:
Burg Eltz is where the X is:

And this is Boppard at the river Rhein, just south of Koblenz:
You're in the best area of the country, lots of stuff to see and do. Go to Koelln (Cologne) and Koblenz for nightlife...
The area around Cochem was never industrial so it wasn't bombed during WW2, same for the area around Koblenz. there's a lot of history to see, many houses in Boppard for example were build in the 15/16 century and they've all been restored.
West of you is Trier, that city was founded as the westernmost outpost of the roman empire. There's the black gate (porta negro) built by the romans.... maybe 1.5 hours west of you....