Banned addy......


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida

THAT was cool addy for the vette....and the assholes had to get it pulled....

GM is run by pussys and no wonder they going broke, this is a classic example....

Ford also, same with Mopar....really....

Why was it banned? Because a kid was driving? Wow, there's something REALLY wrong with your country. Some people take shit waaaay too serious.
Why was it banned? Because a kid was driving? Wow, there's something REALLY wrong with your country. Some people take shit waaaay too serious.

Marck, we have discussed this shit in back channel emails? some months ago, and we are in agreement, it's what we said then, but things are SO PC these days no one dares say a damn thing without some woosey being in control....

I don't think you ever mailed me that one, I had never seen it before.

I was talking of general philosophical direction than that specific addy even though what happened is a HUGE point to the entire misdirection of this country....
