
I feel sorry for the two little girls in that singing thing...where the 'cute' one got on stage only to be lip synched over with the other 'less attractive?'...kid

methinks the both of them can go very far in the future...one for her voice, assuming it sticks as she get older, and the other for her cuteness, assuming it sticks as she get older....but they both are only what?? 2' tall on a clothesline soaking wet???

Opening ceremonys

Did anybody else watch the opening of the games? I usually don't watch that stuff, but Teri was, and kept saying "watch this stuff." It was unbelievable in scope and grandeur. Unreal at times.
Did anybody else watch the opening of the games? I usually don't watch that stuff, but Teri was, and kept saying "watch this stuff." It was unbelievable in scope and grandeur. Unreal at times.

Unfortunately, I missed most of the opening ceremonies but heard they were pretty cool at times.
Did anybody else watch the opening of the games? I usually don't watch that stuff, but Teri was, and kept saying "watch this stuff." It was unbelievable in scope and grandeur. Unreal at times.

I watched it. Yep, it was quite a spectacle. Didn't know about the lip syncing thing untill yesterday...what a shame.

Been watching all the games as much as possible...watching diving now. My wife is nuts over the games...so that's all we watch until the closing ceremony.

I even watched as the NL tied the US men in soccer in the last couple of minutes....................