Thanks for getting the photos resized and posting them Bird. Not only did you get this baby on the road, you got it on the forum too:hi:
Thanks for the kind comments guys.
Very,very nice looking car Scott
love the stripes and the whole scheme you went with :thumbs:
Damm i need to get my car painted :smash: you guys and your nice paint jobs,i'm embarassed to put my car in the same lot,really makes mine look like crap :surrender:
I believe that is the Motion paint scheme. Love it!
I believe that is the Motion paint scheme. Love it!
Nope...sorry Dave. It's the while ZL-1. Here's the original:
Read and see more pics here:;p=1969+Corvette+ZL-1+427-430HP
What size tires/wheel?
Looks great Scott :thumbs: