CaScotty's new paint job


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
Scott tells me that Dep helped decide his new paint scheme. Kudos Mike.
The car is stunning, even in photographs. He is proud as can be at the way it turned out.
:eek:Very,very nice looking car Scott :cool: love the stripes and the whole scheme you went with :thumbs:

Damm i need to get my car painted :smash: you guys and your nice paint jobs,i'm embarassed to put my car in the same lot,really makes mine look like crap :surrender:
Thanks for getting the photos resized and posting them Bird. Not only did you get this baby on the road, you got it on the forum too:hi:

Thanks for the kind comments guys.
Thanks for getting the photos resized and posting them Bird. Not only did you get this baby on the road, you got it on the forum too:hi:

Thanks for the kind comments guys.

Can't take the credit. I sent them to Mybad79,LOL
:eek:Very,very nice looking car Scott :cool: love the stripes and the whole scheme you went with :thumbs:

Damm i need to get my car painted :smash: you guys and your nice paint jobs,i'm embarassed to put my car in the same lot,really makes mine look like crap :surrender:

Yes it IS a sweet ride, like it VERY much....and yes Kev, my car sux on paint also, just don't have the ambition to DO anything in that reason is that in some 42 years of owning a car, not for as long as a year has any car lasted with a decent paint job....something happen, not just parking lot crap, I"m talking someone run into the damn thing.....happened last time with this car about 3 years ago, freeking Verizon truck backed his hitch into the front bumper, they paid, but it was a mess up I never finished it again...scared to death it happen again if I do.....

Let me add my WOW to the others. Car came out great!!! I like the ZL-1 paint scheme in white much better than the yellow version. Good job Scott!! :thumbs:
No sweat Dave. I'd love to have the black trim painted on to my Vette some day (if I ever get it assembled!). It's got to be one of the coolest color schemes they ever did :thumbs:
Looks great Scott :thumbs:

I agree it is trick looking.:mime:

Wayne I heard you are also painting your Vette.
