Re-usable oil filter

I think I've seen these for as "low" as $150. For those who change oil after each visit to the drag strip it's probably worth it, damn sure beats cutting up the throw away filter to inspect the filter/oil/particles...

I've put over 100000 miles on my LS1 and used ACDelco filters, the engine was fine when I sold the car..... I guess these filters are ok for a stock/mildly modified engine.
I use one similar to that one,mine is a Canton filter,here is a link to where i got it i am using the large one.

Damm just went back and looked at it and now its called a True filter,i will have to call and make sure the cartridge is the same,the only diffrence i see is that the bottom screws off of mine to change the cartridge and the housing stays on the motor.

OK checked there site and did a search and they still have the cartridges for the Canton

Whew thought i was going to be SOL for a while,since these things are not cheap.
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That looks pretty slick, it would be cool to have. I wonder how much better it might actually filter over a good wix filter? Assuming it does, you would only need to do apprx. 40 oil changes with an avg filter cost of 5 bucks to break even. Thats 120,000 miles......:flash: lol
So I'll be the first

I have a Western Auto catalogue from the 20's, so I can tell you aftermarket "hype" is as old as the automobile itself. I don't fall for it, and am VERY objective/skeptical when anything "new" comes to market.
I am always ready to listen and observe. I have bought one of these new filters, and am NOT plugging a freebie. However, I did promise to show a thread about it, and give it a fair shake. This unit puts the System One filter to shame, and is built incredibly well. The little pin you see on the element is a rare earth magnet. Ther are 2 of them.
I will report back on how well this unit fares, but know this off the bat. When I started it up to check for leaks, virtually ALL my valve train noise was GONE. I am very serious about this, and do not "embelish." As Gene would say,"Serious as Roebuck."
FWIW-- Turbine powered aircraft oil filters are all the screen type- 40 micron. There are 2 layers of screen and a paper in between them. We cut them up all the time to look for trash. and magnetic chip detectors in all the pumps and components..
Jeff, do you now what the capacity of that filter is?

I believe John said 1/2 qt. I filled the canister 1/2 way, and screwed it on with no overflow. After starting and checking levels, I did not add any. So I would have to say it is about equal to the A/C small unit.
FWIW-- Turbine powered aircraft oil filters are all the screen type- 40 micron. There are 2 layers of screen and a paper in between them. We cut them up all the time to look for trash. and magnetic chip detectors in all the pumps and components..

Since you brought that fact up, this unit is FAA certified.;)
Looks just like what I'm using :thumbs: i have no complaints with them,and when i pre lube it before installation it holds a QT. Never had a leak and it has been on the motor since new about 1700 miles,never any lifter clatter on start up even after sitting all winter,and it has a big magnet in the bottom you just wipe off.
I was asked recently if I still was happy with this unit.
The answer is YES.
Cleans easily. Easy to use. Never has leaked a drop. All an oil change costs is the oil. (I use Valvoline racing).