sand blasting media


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
So I put together a small sand blast cabinet and got one of those low cfm siphon guns (5 at 90 PSI) with a 3/16 tip. What would be a good media type and grit for removing paint and rust? Also, is black beauty media only used for external bucket type sandblasters?

I've got a bucket of sand I use when I really have to blast something and if I have time to take it to a sand blasting mob I use out here, they use sand too. Not beach sand as that's full of salt but look for proper sand blasting sand. Glass bead is another good one but I'd reckon sand would be cheaper...
Glass bead does a great job and works very well on aluminum makes it look new again. If you have heavy rust and grime,aluminum oxide will strip it off in no time.And there is sand,does the job and is less expensive.
Yes, I need to hook a vac up now and a Light. I bought one of those 10 gal fish tank lights. Going to cut a hole on top of the cabinet and put a plastic plate down with a gasket and then the light.
