Thank you Guy's, anybody have any good tip's,trick's,or tools to get that compound out of those tight places you can't get your finger or a towel in???? that stuff sticks out like sore thumb :suspicious:
You were suppose to put masking tape over the cracks so the compound doesn't get in there. Too late now, but do that the next time. You get it out with a soft tooth brush and water.

ush: OH, dangit,OK so a soft tooth brush will work well? that compound does loosen up and remove very easy with water when you can get to it,unlike wax that crap does not like to come off. Hey can you do this with wax also,just tape over the cracks?????
If you use a good carnuba, you won't need to mask anything...stuff goes on like butter, it does not dry...wipe off and light buff and bingo.
Also, there is a real good synthetic paint sealer that is suppose to be great on black finishes if you want to use that instead of wax....or you can wax over it.
Perhaps our paint experts have an opinion on this stuff?