What else can be done to reduce underhood heat? BB.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2008
Once I get my return line hooked up I am hoping that will eliminate the vapor lock issue. But if it doesn't the next step is an electric fuel pump to assist the mechanical. Does header wrap make any difference? I already have Jet hot coated headers, HV water pump, dewitt radiator and dual ouller fans. What else are you guys doing to reduce heat? Should I use some tape on the headers?

I hear the same thing, with also supposed oil fire problems from any leaks, and also increased rusting....short header life.....

my SBC headers have never been wrapped,....huge size diff, obviously...

Spray the wrap with silicone, that'll stop it from becoming a wick. It'll also keep moisture out.
Spray the wrap with silicone, that'll stop it from becoming a wick. It'll also keep moisture out.

New to me, don't recall hearing that before.....you mean like outta a spray bomb?? thought that was flammable, guess it has to dry a good bit??

soak the wrap, I presume?? I wonder about that for wife's sake, she even complains with heat in the dead stock Miata....course it IS Florida summer....

You soak the wrap in water, then wrap it on the pipes. When you fire the engine the water evaporates and the wrap will pull really tight. After it's all dried out spray it liberally with silicone spray. it will not burn.
I have used the wrap with real good results, It works really well and an easy application too, just make sure you take your time and do a nice job near the flange and collectors........hey we need an easy button.. :beer:
The silicone spray is specifically made to seal & waterproof the wrap. It should be on the shelf next to the wrap when you buy it. You can get it in silver or black ( and maybe more colors for the bling boys). I just let my wrap dry for a couple days in the sun & poked a propane torch in the ends a few times to heat the pipe from the inside to be sure it was dry and then sprayed them while they were hanging up.

The wrap made a huge difference in underhood heat, it's been on for several years & still looks good.

You might also check that your fuel line is not touching the engine anywhere & thus soaking up heat. I 'clearanced' mine & then wrapped it with a foil-looking insulation. The fuel in the line can get really hot but as long as it's under a bit of pressure it won't necessarily boil. But as soon as it enters the float bowl at atmospheric (or less) pressure, it will flash into steam.
This is a recent picture including my wrapped headers and exhaust pipe. The wrap has been on over two years and still looks good and no rust. In addition to what has been stated, I painted my pipes first with high heat silver, then the wrap and silver silicone paint. Doing it right costs more, but you do it once and it works. BTW...you can buy ss tie straps at Harbor Freight for $5 a pack of 25.
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U 2 Red?? tranny time?? Jsup and TT same thing just recently....

maybe I better go check the fluids/filters....

Another thing I did on the 84 was to pull the carpet and lay in sound/temp mat and it was a world of difference in the heat felt inside the car, especially on those real hot summer days..it worked great..
This is a recent picture including my wrapped headers and exhaust pipe. The wrap has been on over two years and still looks good and no rust. In addition to what has been stated, I painted my pipes first with high heat silver, then the wrap and silver silicone paint. Doing it right costs more, but you do it once and it works. BTW...you can buy ss tie straps at Harbor Freight for $5 a pack of 25.

Now you tell me! I used hose clamps, they don't look very nice.

Nice wrap job. I see that you wrapped the pipes behind the collectors too. How far back did you take the wrap and does it make any difference with floor/transmission tunnel heat issues?
I just spent an hour tying a detailed reply to your question. When I clicked 'post reply' the message post was gone. Nothing i tried would bring me back to it and it obviously did not post. I apologize for not having any more time today to reply. There must be a time limit on your response I was not aware of. Have a Nice Holiday!
There is no time limit, how can the message be gone? Did you have to log in? if so, there's a problem with the session cookie on your system. Do you have session cookies disabled or some kind of automated IE cleaner that deletes the cookies? Once logged in and the box " keep me signed in" ticked you should never be logged out unless you wipe your browser history and/or cookies. I'm sorry to hear you're having issues, please shoot me an email or PM so I can help you sort this out.
There is no time limit, how can the message be gone? Did you have to log in? if so, there's a problem with the session cookie on your system. Do you have session cookies disabled or some kind of automated IE cleaner that deletes the cookies? Once logged in and the box " keep me signed in" ticked you should never be logged out unless you wipe your browser history and/or cookies. I'm sorry to hear you're having issues, please shoot me an email or PM so I can help you sort this out.

It seems to be a time issue because five minutes may pass and I can post a message response. If it goes a longer, while and I can't say how much longer, after I click 'submit message' I get the logon prompt. After I logon again the message is gone. After this has happened I tried everything in my knowledge to bring it back, but without success. My latest effort will be to post a short message and submit it, then, go back and edit in the rest of my message. I just did this and edit added twice to get my full comments in.

Having enough time is especially difficult when there are links I need to find and printed infor i need to transpose. This problem has been encountered at other places, but after i log back on, it brought me back to my finished message. It is not a problem, as long as I am aware of it, identify a solution and adapt.
If it happens else elsewhere it's an issue with your machine. Who maintains it? You or a company It guy?