Windscreen molding removal


Clueless In Sandland
Mar 24, 2008
Aussie expat in Saudi Arabia
Does anyone have a picture of a "reveal molding" removal tool? I want to remove the trim around the rear windscreen so I can prime around my new filler cap area. 3 or 4 of the clips are broken too so the trim needs to come off to replace them.

None of the books I have show what the damn tool looks like. Is the tool something I can make or do I have to buy one? If I need to buy one, a link would be handy please...
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The plastic clips are most likely dry rotted and I expect a few more will break when you pull the trim. The clips are almost impossible to install with the glass in place and the stainless trim bends easily.
I know I took a few photos when I removed the trim/glass, I'll see if can find them...
Sorry can't help with removal, but I recommend some caulking tubes of RTV rubber silicone black to completely fill the channels then to use it with some clamps/tape overnight to reinstall the chrome, that totally eliminates any rust source/possible water accumulation, the window rubber trim on the side windows of my '72 were done that way also....20 bux of RTV, the window guy will hate my guts when glass time comes....for sure....

Thanks for the replies guys. Yes Karsten, I can lift the trim a little where the clips are broken and they are in the process of turning into powder! I might go with Gene's idea if I can't get new clips on - once I get the damn trim off!

Larry, any idea if the metal and plastic clips require the same tool?
I'm not familiar with the plastic clips. That website list a lot of auto trim tools. Maybe they have some information.
I know the metal clips rust like mad on other GM 's of the era, so I suppose the vettes used similar clips, but dunno if maybe you have aftermarket stuff in a replacment widow?? maybe GM??

but what with all the rust issues, well .......:crap:

course in 250f Saudi weather surprised anything plastic lasts longer than 2 minits to be a puddle of mush.....:shocking::crap:
The clips are impossible to install with the window in place, they are the pop in style with a wedge pin in the center that bends the tangs out to secure it, much like the plastic fasteners used in later model cars to keep stuff like fender liners in place

not the best pics but you get the idea: the glass is in the way... cut the sealant, clean and re-glue the window in place with fresh urethane adhesve.

Were your clips plastic Karsten? If so, did you use a tool like this to remove them?
I've emailed the place that Larry linked to but they haven't replied...
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Nope, I just bought a complete set of new clips and destructively removed the old ones... they were cracking as soon as the pliers touched them.... dry rot..... if you replace them anyways you don't need the tool.
Well I thought that too but there's a couple that aren't ready to break and the trim's already starting to bend slightly where I've tried to persuade it to break the clips :oh:
Long time ago I drove a car to a glass shop and had them pop the trim off for me, about a 2 minit job for anyone knowing ....

no charge even....

Righto, got it sorted now. The problem was that I couldn't visualize how the clips released and therefore, couldn't picture how the tool worked. Of all things, I found a tutorial on youtube!! Once I'd watched that, I realised that I had an ACE brand scraper that should (or would with some minor modification) pop the clips. And it did - without any modding either or any damage to the clips or moulding.

Most of the clips are actually ok and are still quite flexible and I'm not real certain that I want to pop the window just to replace a few clips - I'll think on that one for a while.

Where the clips are broken, there are corresponding scratches and gouges in the glass from where the person removed them (I'm assuming) when it was repainted. I haven't noticed the scratches before and quite a bit of it is hidden by the moulding but can windscreen glass be polished successfully?
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Now that the molding is off it's pretty much a piece of cake to cut the existing glue (from inside the car) and remove the glass. Don't drop it, they do not make repros and used glass is expensive and a pain to ship...

Here's the adhesive that the glass guy used on the windshield- he glued the rear window in place also...

can windscreen glass be polished successfully?

YES......I have not done any personally.....but have worked in shops in the
past that had the stuff to do it. It does take a special buffer pad and
compound. Maybe someone else can elaborate further on this.............
I found a kit which I'll buy once my internet connection stops pissing me around.

The scratches are mostly hidden by the trim but now that I know they're there, they stick out like dog's balls. The front windscreen's got a small crack in it so I'll try and get hold of a kit to fix it as well...